Tag Archives: art

Volunteering at WisCon 41 — Art Show, Registration, & Green Room

Kristin Livdahl

Are you looking for a quiet place to get away from the big crowds for a couple hours? Do you need a way to meet new people at the convention but are more comfortable having people approach you? Do you want to help out with the convention but need a position where you can sit or stay sitting most of the time? We have volunteer opportunities that allow for all of those.

Art Show

The Art Show is usually a quiet oasis during the convention and there are many shifts available during the convention. Volunteers staff the desk during the show preview, assist with sales and check out sold items near the end of the convention. This area has traditionally been understaffed.


Helping check people in and register new arrivals is one of the best ways to meet new people and put faces with names. Email in advance if you are interested in taking a shift — or stop by at the beginning of the convention to see when they need help. Volunteers are needed for shifts from Thursday until Monday.

Green Room

We can always use a few more dependable volunteers to take shifts helping in the Green Room which is open during all the hours programming runs. Volunteers count attendance at programs, assist programming participants with name tents and other duties. The Green Room is great way to meet some of the interesting people who are participating in panels, readings and other programming in a relaxed environment.

For more information on these or any other volunteer opportunities, please contact Kristin Livdahl, Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@wiscon.net

WisCon 41 — Announcing our Art Show Artists

Art Show

We are very excited to announce the artists in WisCon 41’s Art Show.  This year’s show will feature 38 artists, 13 of whom are new to the WisCon Art Show! (* = new)

Clara Abnet-Holden: Drawing and painting

Stacie Arellano: Illustration and comics

*Jon Arfstrom: Painting

Lisa Bergin: Felted sculpture/fiber art

Susan Simensky Bietila: Political illustration and buttons

*Sophia Brueckner: Multimedia/interactive sculpture

J.J. Brutsman: Fiber art monsters

Katie Clapham: Photography

Tahlia Day: Watercolor/mixed media painting

Meredith Dillman: Painting and illustration

*Anna Dudda: Handmade scarves

*Jack Rowan Rose Evans: Drawing, painting, illustration

Rhea Ewing: Illustration and comics

K.J. Forest: Photography

Geek Calligraphy: Calligraphy and prints

Erika Hammerschmidt: Jewelry

*Elizabeth Frohn Hengst: Mixed media art

*Kathie Huddleston: Fused glass jewelry and sculpture

Ingrid Kallick: Painting and illustration

Theo Nicole Lorenz: Coloring books and illustration

Jennifer Neises: Polymer clay sculpture and jewelry

*Brigid Nelson: Handmade totes and purses

*Ariana Olsen: Painting

Katherine Olson: Jewelry and photography

David Lee Pancake: Illustration and sculpture

Mary Prince: Mixed media sculpture and painting

*Jana Pullman: Fine bookbinding and boxes

April Robinson: Drawing and painting

*Mark Roland: Fantasy art, painting, printmaking

*Sad Chimera Princess: Illustration and comics

Samhain Press: Illustration, book sculpture, jewelry

Nevenah Smith: Etched glass and glass sculpture

Lisa Snellings: Poppet sculptures and prints

Heather Tatarek: Painting and handmade journals

*Kat Weaver: Illustration

Alex Wells: Art dolls

Claire Whitmore: Illustration

*Yara Charms: Jewelry

And an informational exhibit on Susan Wood, a feminist SF fan writer and critic, who was GoH (with Vonda McIntyre) at WisCon 2.

Wiscon 41 Art Show Call For Artists!

Art Show

Applications for this year’s WisCon Art Show are open until February 28th.

The WisCon Art Show focuses on art exploring themes related to SF and feminism/social justice, work by women, and work by Midwestern artists. We’re interested in seeing work in any medium. In addition to painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, and jewelry, past shows have also included comics, fiber art, glass, art dolls, and ceramics, among others.

This will be our second year in a larger space on the first floor of the con, with room for more artists and more art!

We prefer and encourage that artists in the show also attend the con, but mailing in art is an option if you are comfortable with us hanging and handling your work. The Art Show operates like a gallery or store — you set the prices for your work and customers can purchase it during the show’s open hours (Saturday through Monday during the con). WisCon takes a 4% commission on all sales (8% for mail-in art).

Our artists page has more information and the application. Completed applications (including images of your work or a link to a website with images) must be submitted online by Tuesday, Feb. 28 (11:59pm Central Time).  Artists will be notified of acceptance in mid-March.

WisCon 40 Art Show Awards

Jordan West
SF3 Communications Committee

Stop by the WisCon Art Show and vote for your favorite art and artists!

This year, Art Show Awards will be given in the following categories:

  • Best in Show (You’ll have the option to nominate an individual best piece as well as picking an artist.)
  • Best 2D Art
  • Best 3D Art, Non-Wearable
  • Best Wearable Art
  • Best New (to the WisCon Art Show) Artist

Winners receive certificates and bask in the admiration and envy of everyone at WisCon!

Instead of paper ballots, voting this year will be conducted online, and con members will be able to access the form from their personal devices or from tablets located at the table in the Art Show room.

Voting will open at 6pm on Friday, beginning during Meet the Artists, and will remain open until the Art Show closes at 6pm Saturday evening.

WisCon 40 — Announcing our Art Show artists

Tahlia Day
Art Show

This year the Art Show is in a bigger space — it’s moved from its long-time location on the second floor down to the Senate rooms on the first floor.  Not only will this mean a space that’s easier to navigate, it also means we’re able to welcome thirteen more artists than we had at WisCon 39.

This year the show will feature forty-five artists working in a wide variety of media.  Sixteen of our artists are new to the WisCon Art Show!

We are very pleased to welcome:

Clara Abnet-Holden — Drawing and painting
Kari Askeland — Paper sculpture and photography
Lisa Bergin — Felted sculpture/fiber art
Susan Simensky Bietila — Illustration/political cartoons
Gerald Blackwell — 3D rendering art
Ty Blauersouth — Jewelry
Cassandre Bolan — Fantasy illustration
Alana Boltwood — HexaSexual sculpture project
Cherie Brandseth — Jewelry
J. J. Brutsman — Fiber art monsters
Anna Bunting-Branch — Animation
Katie Clapham — Photography
Sarah Clemens — Fantasy illustration
Darcy Davis — Origami sculpture
Tahlia Day — Watercolor/mixed media painting
Meredith Dillman — Painting and illustration
Rhea Ewing — Illustration and comics
Kate Forest — Photography
Mollie Garner — Polymer clay dolls
Geek Calligraphy — Calligraphy and prints
Erika Hammerschmidt — Jewelry
Ingrid Kallick — Painting and illustration
Laura Krentz — Fiber art sculpture
Suzanne Lakas — Painting
Karen Loper — Collage
Theo Nicole Lorenz — Coloring books
Theresa Mather — Painting and illustration
Rory Metcalf — Handmade scarves
Christine Mitzuk — Painting and illustration
Mary Anne Mohanraj — Collage and textile design
Lee Moyer — Illustration
Katherine Olson — Jewelry and photography
Mary Prince — Mixed media, painting, calligraphy
April Robinson — Drawing and painting
Linda Robinson — Action figures
Shor Salkas — Pottery
SamHain Press — Illustration, book sculpture, jewelry
Lisa Sell — Sculpture, masks, jewelry
Nevenah Smith — Etched glass and glass sculpture
Heather Tatarek — Painting
Tiffany Toland-Scott — Painting and illustration
Charles Urbach — Illustration
Alex Wells — Sculpture/art dolls
Claire Whitmore — Illustration
Peregrin Winkle — Coloring books

WisCon 40 Art Show call for artists

Tahlia Day
Art Show

Applications for this year’s WisCon Art Show are open until the end of February.

The WisCon Art Show focuses on art exploring themes related to SF and feminism/social justice, work by women, and work by Midwestern artists. We’re interested in seeing work in any medium (past shows have included painting, drawing, photography, comics, sculpture, fiber art, and jewelry, among others).

This year the Art Show will be moving to a bigger room on the first floor of the hotel, so we may be able to accept more artists and/or give each artist more space!

We prefer and encourage that artists in the show also attend the con, but mailing in art is an option if you are comfortable with us hanging and handling your work. The Art Show operates like a gallery or store — you set the prices for your work and customers can purchase it during the show’s open hours (Saturday through Monday during the con). WisCon takes a 4% commission on all sales (8% for mail-in art).

Our artists page has more information and the application. Completed applications (including images of your work or a link to a website with images) must be submitted online by Monday, Feb. 29 (11:59pm Central Time).  Artists will be notified of acceptance in mid-March.

Art Show

The WisCon Art Show features work from artists in the WisCon community, particularly artists of marginalized genders and local/Midwestern artists, often exploring themes related to WisCon’s principles (SFF, feminism, social justice). In past years, the Art Show has included painting, drawing, illustration, photography, comics, printmaking, jewelry and other wearable art, sculpture, and more.

Show Your Work in the WisCon Art Show!

Art is an important aspect of SFF, and an exciting Art Show is an important part of our convention!

Work in all visual media is accepted. Since WisCon 2025 is online only, we won’t be selling the art as we do at in-person WisCons, but accepted artists will have a spot in the Art Show’s virtual gallery to display images of their work, a personal statement, and links to online shops and social media.  An Art Show Discord channel will also be active during WisCon 2025 where artists can speak more about their work, answer questions, and interact with the WisCon community at large.

All materials in the Art Show must follow our Code of Conduct. WisCon continues to welcome and appreciate risky, transgressive material and the discussion of controversial ideas. That said, any materials that are not in line with our Code of Conduct are subject to removal for the duration of WisCon. If you have any concerns, please contact WisCon Safety (safety@wiscon.net) or the Anti-Abuse Team (antiabuse@wiscon.sf3.org).

Application Process

Apply for the 2025 online show using this form. To attend the convention, you will also need to register.

If you are accepted for the show, after applications close you’ll receive an acceptance email from us with more information. All artists who meet the criteria and apply by the deadline will be included in the online show. We’ll then follow up with further instructions.

Art Show Programming

We love to see art-related programming items. If you are interested in presenting something, or have a suggestion for an art-related panel, please submit the idea through the regular programming form.

WisCon 39 Art Show Call for Artists

Tahlia Day
Art Show

Attention artists! Applications for this year’s WisCon Art Show will be open until the end of February.

The WisCon Art Show focuses on art exploring feminist themes and WisCon’s principles, work by women artists, and work by Midwestern artists. In the past the show has included painting, drawing, prints, comics, photography, 3D art, fiber art, and jewelry, among other media.

We prefer that artists in the show also attend the con, but mailing in art is an option if you’re comfortable with us hanging and handling your work. The Art Show operates like a gallery or store: you set the prices for your work and customers can purchase it during the show’s open hours (Saturday through Monday during the con). WisCon takes a 4% commission on all sales (8% for mail-in art).

See http://wiscon.net/events/art-show/ for more information and to apply. Completed applications (including images of your work or a link to a website with images) must be submitted online by February 28, 2015, and artists will be notified of acceptance in mid-March.

Ship your WisCon Books & Artwork Home Instead of Schlepping It On The Plane

The UPS Store will set up shop at the Concourse on Monday for all your shipping needs.

Packing and shipping service will be available on Monday from 9 am to 3 pm to ship your art show and dealers’ room purchases safely home. The UPS Store is a locally owned and operated shipping and packing store. We work with UPS, DHL, and the US Postal Service (but not FedEx). We are professional packers and have professional-grade boxes and packing materials. Our computer software helps us choose the best carrier for your shipment based on its weight, dimensions, and its destination zip code. We are experienced in book conventions and know how to best get your purchases to your destination.

Please note. You do not need to provide a box for your materials. We prefer to package all items at our retail store, and will not bring packing materials to the convention.

Reminders: It is always more economical to ship to a business rather than to a residential address. The business has to be in a commercial building; businesses in homes do not qualify for the commercial rates. All carriers except the U.S. Post Office include $100 of insurance and tracking capabilities. We highly recommend going with that type of carrier.

Visit our website at http://www.theupsstorelocal.com/0704/ or call us to get more information at (608) 833-7447. We are looking forward to meeting and working with you over Memorial Day weekend!

–Shannan Bogle, The UPS Store, Ondana Rd, Madison, WI

Wiscon 33 Call For Artists!

Dear Artist,

We invite you to participate in the WisCon Art Show.

As you know, WisCon is the pre-eminent feminist science fiction convention in the world. We believe that Art is an important aspect of SF, and that an exciting Art Show is an important part of any convention. We strive to make the WisCon Art Show a continuing success by integrating the art show with the rest of the convention.

Art show focus:

Work by women artists
Work by regional artists
Work with feminist themes, whatever that may be

We don’t plan to define feminist themes. That’s up to you. We do, though, plan to continue to have popular awards for the Most Feminist and Most Outrageous items in the Art Show, as have for the past several years. We are interested in original work by the artist, which may include 1 copy of limited edition reproductions. For additional print sales, you are welcome to participate in the WisCon Dealers Room, or make an arrangement with one of the dealers. We also have a small print shop for items with fixed sale prices; let us know if you are interested in participating, since space will be limited.

Please complete an application at www.wiscon.net/events/art-show/ now. Artists must have completed the application process and have received an acceptance notice in order to enter art into the Art Show.

We are doing things a little differently this year. In order to include more new artists, we are requiring all artists to submit an application and photos of their work to the Art Show Staff by January 31 of this year. We will start sorting through the applications then and notify the applicants of their status by February 15.

Completed applications must be submitted by January 31. On about February 15 we will notify accepted artists and about May 1, we will send forms, check-in and shipping information, and other details.

If you attend, you will need to purchase a WisCon membership. Please register at the website or mail in your registration form if you plan on attending. Note that there is a $20 refund available if you volunteer and work 6 or more hours on the convention (ideally, in the Art Show) or participate in programming. Program information is available at www.wiscon.net. If you are interested in participating, you should go to the site and sign up.

While we are not charging for space, we do need to know in advance how much you will need. Our standard hangings are 4′ square pegboard. Artists new to the convention may reserve up to 2 4×4’ panels; for continuing artists, the maximum is 3 panels. It may be possible to get more space, but only at the discretion of the art show director based on the space available. Last year, we filled up, so more than 3 panels is unlikely. Table space is available as well, up to a full 6′ x 36″ table. Please include your space needs when you apply for entrance into the Art Show.

Convention members will have the opportunity to vote on the Art Show awards again this year. WisCon 33’s Art Show will continue to focus on feminist art, art by women, and art by Midwestern artists. For art show information please check the box on the registration form, email artshow@wiscon.net or visit the WisCon web site.

You can write the art show at the WisCon address. We can also be reached at artshow@wiscon.net. I would be happy to answer your questions.

Jane Washburn
WisCon Art Show