- contact: pocsaferspace@wiscon.net
In 2023, all of our Safer Spaces will be operating online only. (This includes the Safer Space for People of Color, the Safer Space for Trans & Genderqueer People, the Disability Safer Space, and the Plural Safer Space.)
Because WisCon is a physical space with tendrils extending into the virtual world, one of the things we can provide is space for face-to-face networking and problem-solving. As part of our commitment to our guiding principles and our recognition of intersectionality, we maintain a designated space at the convention for people of color to dialogue freely and openly. This space is reserved for people of color only.
To reserve a time slot for a specific discussion topic in the Safer Space, please sign up on the sheet located in the Green Room.
Safer Space Hours
Friday: 1pm-2am
Saturday & Sunday: 8:30am-2am
Monday: 8:30am-1pm
WisCon’s ConCom welcomes any suggestions or ideas related to WisCon that result from the networking and strategizing taking place in this space. Please submit these ideas to the email address listed above, or to the volunteers in the Green Room, who will pass them along.
If you or your group would like to meet with WisCon ConCom members during the convention, please email chair@wiscon.net.