Tag Archives: drabble challenge

Wiscon’s 2nd Annual Drabble Challenge!


It’s time for the Second Annual WisCon Drabble Challenge!  Last year, we opened the Drabble Challenge to all WisCon Members, and this year we’re starting a new collection!  What the heck does this mean? How can you participate? I’m glad you asked!

In the fanfic world, the word “drabble” has at times been applied to a work of any length, provided it is very short. More traditionally, “drabble” is a term that designates a work of fanfiction that is precisely 100 words long. [See Fanlore: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Drabble ].

For the WisCon FanFic Drabble Challenge, we accept works that are 100-250 words long, from any fandom. (Though, the challenge would be to create a work that’s exactly 100 words long – bonus points toward your No Prize if you can manage this!) These will be collected and included in a collection on the Archive of Our Own.

Eligible works will be those that meet the following parameters:

  • Fanfiction based in any fandom
  • 100 – 250 words
    • You may also have a title that’s up to 15 words long
  • Written during WisCon weekend
    • The challenge is open from Friday through close of con on Monday

Works can be submitted directly through AO3:

Works can also be submitted to moderator Jess Adams by email at drabbles@wiscon.net.

If submitting by email, be sure to include:

  • Your name OR desired pseudonym
  • A means of contact (email address, twitter handle, etc)
  • Name of fandom work is under
  • Ratings and relevant warnings (If necessary, the moderator will apply a rating/warning.)