We’re very excited to announce that the Panel Sign-Up and Interest Survey is now live. Please give us YOUR feedback on what panels will run during WisCon 44.
WisCon programming is divided into separate tracks which group related concepts together in order to facilitate interesting and complex discussions. The current list of tracks are below:
- Feminism and Other Social Change Movements
- Power, Privilege, and Oppression
- Spirituality, Organized Religion and Politics
- Science and Technology
- The Craft and Business of Writing
- Reading, Viewing, and Critiquing Science Fiction
- Fandom as a Way of Life
- Interactive Storytelling and Media
You will need a WisCon account in order to view and take the survey. If you don’t have an account, create one at the “Create Your Account” page. For those with an account already created, go to “Log in to My Account” page. You should see the link to the survey once you have logged into your account. Or you can click here. https://account.wiscon.net/program/?edit=yes
Be sure to also update your availability so we know when you want to be assigned to panels.
Please note that even if you were the one that proposed a panel, you still need to log into the survey and sign up for it. Proposed names are not automatically carried into the survey sign up.
This is a very important stage of Panel Programming. The more people who participate in the survey and sign up for and/or rate the panels, the better chance you will have at seeing your panel selections on the final schedule. We understand that completing the survey can be laborious, but doing so is completely for your benefit.
As always, questions/concerns/feedback can be sent to panels@wiscon.net.