All posts by commsadmin

Volunteering Roundup for WisCon 43!

WISCON IS NEXT WEEK!! Where does the time go? That’s a question that’s probably unanswerable, but we have one we can answer: Who makes WisCon happen? Answer: YOU! <3

We can’t have a convention without you there, and we have an even better convention with a little help from you. If you volunteer at least six hours total and fill out one of the blue volunteering forms you can find at the registration desk, you are eligible for up to a 40% rebate on your membership, if you choose. And if you volunteer less than six hours, you’ll still be eligible for our volunteer gift, available for pickup from the Registration Desk beginning Monday morning. Come join us! J O I N U S S S S.

Questions? Email and we’ll be thrilled to answer them.

Make First Contact at Registration!
We have a variety of times and duties available beginning Thursday evening, and running throughout the convention. If you’ve never helped out with Registration (or just want a refresher), we will offer group training Thursday afternoon, and individual training as needed before shifts. If you have experience with registration, or are simply willing to take on a bit more responsibility, you can also sign up for a shift as a Table Manager. Table Managers handle all sales, and also are the first point of contact for any complications or inquiries from online orders. Visit to grab some shifts!

Bake Sale Needs Bakers & Volunteers
Our sale of tasty treats to benefit Tiptree will be on Friday during the Gathering! If you like to bake, now’s a great time to check out our guidelines and plan your recipes. We’re also looking for volunteers to help serve our delicious, member-made delicacies. Sign up and get your volunteer hours out of the way early in the con!

Blue Tape Volunteers Needed!
WisCon’s Access department is looking for Blue Tape volunteers. We have several shifts open throughout the con to tape and re-tape marked seating in convention spaces. The job may require bending down on hands and knees to tape floors, ability to lift and move chairs and tables (with help), and social flexibility and patience when working around hotel staff as they set up.To sign up for a shift, please visit or email SarahTops at

Con Suite Needs YOU!
We know that WisCon’s Con Suite is a crucial part of making the con affordable, accessible, and low stress, but making it happen takes people. Can you help? We need folks for food prep tasks (including some you can do sitting down), setup & breakdown shifts that happen before or after the rest of the con, meal service, and, of course, cleanup. Many hands make light work, as they say, so come be a Con Suite hero! See what volunteer shifts are available here: If you have any questions about volunteering in the Con Suite, please email us at

Do You Like to Work with Kids?
Kids’ Programming needs volunteers during all daytime programming hours. You might be assisting with materials for a craft activity, building Lego or jigsaw puzzles with the kids who don’t want to do the main activity, or firmly redirecting the energies of a kid who doesn’t want to do the main activity and is trying to have a swordfight in that space instead. Choose the activity you would like to assist with at

Help Out with the Art Show
The Art Show needs people to set up on Thurs-Fri, to staff the sales desk on Sat-Mon, and to tear down on Monday. If you haven’t worked in the Art Show before, we’ll show you what to do! Check out the available shifts and sign up at

Swap, Swap, the Clothing Swap!
Our Clothing Swap is back this year on Friday during the Gathering, and we’re in search of people who can:

  • Help hang, sort, and set out clothes 11am-1pm (help for twenty minutes or the whole time!)
  • People who can help keep things organized between 1-4pm (help for twenty minutes or the whole time!)
  • People who can bag any leftover clothing for donation starting at 4pm (this needs to get done so we can use the room for programs, so we’d be very grateful if you can help until the task is complete!)

Please email if you can commit some time to help us out.

Make Someone’s First WisCon a Friendly One!
Every year, we help to orient new folks to WisCon by assembling groups of people to venture forth from the hotel to go out to dinner together. We need people to lead those groups! The only qualifications are that you’ve been to WisCon at least once before, and you’re interested in meeting new people. You can choose a restaurant ahead of time, and we can suggest a few for a variety of budgets and preferences if you like — and you can even take a group to dinner at the Con Suite if your budget doesn’t stretch to dining out. Contact or to let us know that you’re interested, and we’ll tell you more! P.S. Leading a group for the First Dinner counts for three hours toward a volunteer rebate and qualifies you for this year’s volunteering gift!

Get Your Gaming On
WisCon is looking for volunteers to help run open gaming on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, from 8 pm-12 am. Responsibilities mostly revolve around WisCon’s game library; getting it out at the beginning of the night, putting it away at the end of the night, and making sure none of it wanders away in between. In addition, volunteers will play games and help make the open gaming space welcoming and enjoyable! Please email if you are interested in helping out in this way. Even just a couple of hours would help a lot!

Hosts Needed for the Trans/GQ/GNC Safer Space
Trans/GQ/GNC safer space needs hosts so we can stay open through the convention. We’re asking for people to consider doing one or two ninety-minute shifts. Contact for more information.

Make a High-Visibility Fashion Statement Volunteering with Safety!
You’ve probably seen Safety volunteers in past years, because we do our best to make them hard to miss. They walk around the convention spaces carrying a binder while wearing an eye-catching (and stylish) high-visibility neon vest. It’s a great way to meet new folks and to see the whole convention — a Safety shift means you’ll move around the con, dipping in and out of parties, events, panels, workshops, readings… You’ll be asked to be observant, to listen respectfully to folks for whom the convention or other people have created stress, anxiety, or anger, to hand out taxi vouchers, to point out the restrooms, and to contact the appropriate person if you discover a problem that can’t be solved with a quick chat. Safety welcomes folks who use mobility devices, or who can only make time in their schedule (or spoons budget) for a single shift.

Sign up now to let us know when you are available to lend a hand by visiting this form:

The Gathering: Clothing Swap, Tiptree Crowning, and MORE!

We’re grateful and happy to share that A Room Of One’s Own bookstore is sponsoring The Gathering this year! They’ll be hosting the Thursday night Guest of Honor Reception in-store at 315 W Gorham Street, and will be in the Dealers’ Room throughout the convention, carrying books by as many of the authors attending WisCon as they can. A Room Of One’s Own is a beautiful, welcoming physical store and is a pleasure to browse. Thank you, A Room Of One’s Own!

Whether you’re a WisCon regular or this is your first time, The Gathering is a must for kicking off your convention weekend! Held from 1-4pm in the Wisconsin/Capital Ballroom on the second floor, The Gathering is a great spot to meet up with friends old and new, snag some new threads, have some fun, and see this year’s Tiptree Award Winner crowned.

Wondering what’s going to be happening this year? Well, wonder no longer.

The Clothing Swap is back, and after suffering a little from its own success last year, we have some new rules as well as some reminders. The bigest reminder is that despite the name, it isn’t really a swap! You are welcomed and encouraged to take any clothing that strikes your fancy home, and you don’t need to bring any to give away in order to do so. In fact, we’ve always had too much donated and too little taken away, so please feel free to shop (for free). Anything that’s left at the end of The Gathering will be donated to a local nonprofit, but please have mercy on our volunteers who will have to carry the leftovers away, and adopt more clothes!

Want to bring us some treasures that no longer fit you or your aesthetic? You can bring them to the Wisconsin/Capital Ballroom beginning at 11am on Friday. Please do not bring anything to the Swap later than 2pm, as we will not be able to use it. If you are able to do so, we invite you to come in and help set out or hang up your donations — you will know sizes a lot faster than we will! We are also looking for volunteers to help keep things neat and help people “shop” during the swap, as well as folks who can help pack up anything that’s left over. Time spent helping out at the Clothing Swap can count toward a volunteering rebate, and anyone who volunteers for any amount of time is eligible for the volunteering gift, which is available at the Registration Desk on Monday. Interested? Please email, or wait until WisCon and ask one of the folks already volunteering at the Clothing Swap for guidance on how you can help.

Here’s our revised and expanded set of guidelines for donating clothes to the Clothing Swap:

  • Please donate no more than one large bag of clothing. By large bag, we mean: one Ikea bag or shoe stone bag, or two brown paper grocery bags, or one loosely-filled kitchen-size trash bag, or a half-full large trash bag.
  • Please donate only items that you would gift to a friend – no holes, nothing worn-out, and preferably nothing that you didn’t think was great, for at least a little while.
  • No underwear of any type. No socks, no bras, no binders, no lingerie, no pajamas.
  • Please do not donate any clothing that is strongly scented or covered in pet hair. If you are able, please launder items in an unscented detergent. Donations that are smoky, musty, perfumed, otherwise strongly scented, or covered in pet hair will not be put out at the Clothing Swap.
  • Please do not donate any clothing that is wet. Yes, this has happened. Bags of wet clothing will be thrown away, as we will not even be able to donate them after the convention.

What else is happening at The Gathering this year? We are so glad you asked!

  • Coffee, Tea, and Subversion (yes, this is a fancy title for refreshments.)
  • Fiber Circle (bring your knitting/crocheting/embroidery/whatever!)
  • Tiptree Auction Preview (see what will be featured at the Auction)
  • Zen Doodles (new to The Gathering this year! Create some fun, meditative art.)
  • Gadget Petting Zoo (check out some technology, or share your own!)
  • Gaming Preview (play some games and find out more about games at WisCon)
  • Tarot Circle (bring your deck to show off and do a few readings, or have your cards read)
  • Nail Polish Swap (also not technically a swap, so feel free to drop off bottles without taking any, or take some without leaving any)
  • Renaissance Hair Braiding (fancy braiding for smooth and straight hair types)

And last but FAR from least, The Gathering closes with our Opening Ceremonies, where we might make announcements, and we will certainly honor the winner of this year’s Tiptree Award!

Updates from WisCon’s Access Team

Greetings from Accessland, a magical realm where volunteers work behind the scenes to make WisCon accessible for as many humanoids as possible. We’d like to take a moment to remind our attendees of WisCon’s Access-related policies and opportunities, so we can all make the most of a wonderful weekend. Some of this may be old news to long-time con-goers, but I promise there’s at least one new thing below! We invite you to read more at In no particular order:

(1) Blue Tape at WisCon

WisCon uses blue painter’s tape to mark areas of the convention space for various users, including squares on the floors of panel rooms for wheelchair parking, slashes on chairs near the fronts of panel rooms for those who who need to be close to hear or see, and 6th-floor aisle markings to keep travel lanes clear. It takes volunteer power to mark and upkeep these markings throughout the convention. If you’d like to help as a Blue Tape volunteer, please sign up by filling out our online form, or emailing

(2) Thursday Night Shuttle

WisCon’s first scheduled event each year is an off-site reception and reading at Room of One’s Own Bookstore on Thursday night. The bookstore is about 4 blocks from the hotel. We offer a free shuttle between the Concourse Hotel and Room of One’s Own that can accommodate up to one passenger using a wheelchair or scooter and three passengers on foot. This accessible van from Union Cab will be stationed at the Concourse from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on Wisconsin Avenue, and from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at Room of One’s Own, making multiple trips as needed between the two locations. Look for more details in a future blog post by that Thursday morning.

(3) Minimizing Strong Scents

WisCon asks con-goers to please consider those with allergies or chemical sensitivities by minimizing strong scents at the con, be it perfumes, incense, cigarette smoke, or similar. Unfortunately, the convention space is not a fragrance-free zone, but WisCon takes steps to minimize strong scents, including providing scent-free soaps in the restrooms. Keep these practices in mind when donating clothing to the Gathering’s clothing swap—washing donations with scent-free detergents before the convention will make the swap more awesome for everyone!

(4) The Quiet Room & Safer Spaces

WisCon can be overwhelming at times, so we offer a Quiet Room on the 2nd floor where attendees can get some peaceful respite. We also offer three Safer Spaces rooms for people of color, people with disabilities, and people who are trans, non-binary, and/or genderqueer. Other relaxing escapes are available, like sitting in on a reading or taking a stroll through nearby parks.

(5) Feeding Yourself at WisCon

Don’t let the hanger consume you; consume some of WisCon’s goodies instead! We try to accommodate as many eaters as possible, whether vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or just on a tight budget, we have plenty of options for you. The Friday Bake Sale, Sunday Dessert Salon, and free snacks and meals at the Consuite will have major allergens marked, but are not entirely nut-free if you have severe allergies.

(6) Mindfulness of Sight & Sound

WisCon works hard so that everyone can read and listen how they read and listen best. We offer CART captioning at the Guests of Honor speeches and at select panels, as well as limited ASL interpreting. We  also provide large-print or Braille versions of our Pocket Program Book, with advanced notice, as well as Braille-marked games at our Gaming tables. Larger panel rooms are equipped with microphones, and we remind our panelists not to cover their mouths when speaking, for the benefit of audience members who lip-read. Descriptions of the visual components of panels will benefit audience members who are blind or low-vision.

(7) Elevators & Stairs

WisCon wants to make it as easy to get around the convention space as possible. Because events take place on multiple floors, many attendees use the hotel’s elevators to move around. If you can take the stairs, please do, to alleviate traffic to the elevators for those who need them.

(8) Introducing Introvert Corner!

This WisCon 43 will be the convention’s first year offering Introvert Corner, a “pop-up” space for shy folks to meet and make friends during convention downtime! In past years, attendees have craved such a space, and we’re making it happen. Mealtimes and evening parties can be socially daunting whether you’re new to the con, attending alone, or otherwise shy. The Introvert Corner will be located on the 2nd floor at the Spontaneous Programming room in University D, tucked away from crowds but still not far from the action. We envision Introvert Corner both as a meet-up spot to venture out with new friends during meals or parties, and as a hang-out spot with other introverts, whether you’re talking or simply sharing space in a semi-social and absolutely acceptable fashion. If Spontaneous Programming is happening inside the room, look for fellow wallflowers metaphorically shuffling our feet just outside the doors.

The Introvert Corner is a work-in-progress, and if you have ideas or want to help take lead on this new “pop-up” space, please reach out to

Questions? Concerns? Forget to request an accommodation, or want to make a suggestion? Email us at We look forward to creating a stellar experience with you at WisCon 43!

Tip/Alli Filming at WisCon 43

Hello WisCon,

My name is Rox Samer. I am a Screen Studies professor, feminist science fiction fan, filmmaker, and non-binary femme (among other things—note, also passionate cat parent). I have been attending WisCon since 2011. I often debut vids (OneOfGloriasJudys) at the Vid party, and in 2016 I served on the Tiptree Award jury that awarded Anna-Marie McLemore the TIptree for her incredible magical realist trans romance novel When the Moon Was Ours. One of my greatest WisCon joys (and life joys, truly) was getting to present Anna-Marie the award and play my Moon vid for all of you. Because of these amazing experiences, I am delighted to be returning to WisCon this year with a film crew to begin filming for my forthcoming documentary Tip/Alli, about the life, work, and influence of James Tiptree, Jr./Alice B. Sheldon.

Like many of you Tiptree’s work has been profoundly influential on my thinking of gender and sexuality, including my imagination of what could be and the many challenges we as humans face in getting there. In bringing my small, queer film crew to WisCon and making it our first stop, my goal is to center the story of feminist, queer, trans, and gender nonconforming science fiction fans. I envision Tip/Alli as being both Sheldon’s story and our own. However, I cannot do this without your help. In order to tell fans’ stories I need to interview fans! I would love the opportunity to speak to you about when you first discovered Tiptree’s work and learned of Sheldon’s story; your favorite James Tiptree, Jr. or Raccoona Sheldon story; and how the author’s work and life have inspired your own. If you are interested in interviewing for the film or helping out in another way (among other things, we need b-roll of convention activities), please do reach out and get in touch:

I am also aware that not everyone, Tiptree fan or no, is comfortable or excited to be on camera. The Tip/Alli crew will be very careful to not film anyone without their knowledge or consent. If you have any questions or concerns, please do find a member of team (we should all have black and white Tip/Alli t-shirts on most of the time) and let us know.

I encourage you to read more about the project online. Please follow us on Twitter (@TipAlli), and please shoot me an email before the convention if you’re curious!



Discounted rooms on the 6th floor available for WisCon 43

Jess Adams


WisCon is pleased to offer a limited number of discounted rooms on the sixth floor of the Concourse Hotel.  Because there are so few discounted rooms available — this year we have 5 — we’re offering them via a lottery.

The discount applies to specific rooms on the sixth floor of the Concourse.  This is the floor where many parties happen in the evening and also where the safer spaces and the Con Suite are.  This means that these rooms are subject to more noise generated by foot traffic, elevators, and so on. If you are someone who needs a very quiet room with not many people passing by at all hours, then the discounted rooms may not be a good fit for you.

How can you enter the lottery for a room?

We are accepting requests until  April 22 (closing at 11:59pm Central Time). After the request window closes, we will get in touch to let you know if your name was drawn in the lottery to be granted a discounted room.

There is one catch! To be eligible to receive the discount, your reservation must be for at least Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night of the convention. (You may, of course, be staying longer, but you must have reserved these three nights.)  

To request to be entered into the drawing for a discount, send an email to, with the subject line: ROOM RATE DISCOUNT.  To be eligible for entry, your request must include the following details:

  • The first & last name your hotel reservation will be under
  • Your arrival and departure dates
  • The number of people in your party
  • Any accessibility needs you have.
  • The best email address to contact you.

Entries which do not supply the needed information will not be entered into the lottery. Please limit submissions for the discount lottery to one entry per party.

See you at WisCon!

Dessert Salon Changes for WisCon 43

This year we are implementing some changes to how we handle entry to the Salon!

Beginning at 6pm Sunday, ticket holders can stop by the second floor Registration Desk to get a number which will correspond to a place in line for themselves or their group. At 7:30pm we will start to show folks into the Salon in number order.

The lowest numbers will be reserved for people who need the help of assistive devices or staff to get seated. There will be chairs available near the door as in past years for people who need to sit until their number is called.

If you miss your number, simply let the door person know, and they will include you in the next group. We will also be able to give approximate estimates of when a number is likely to be called when you pick your number up, allowing you time to relax, eat dinner, and socialize anywhere in the hotel.

WisCon 43 Panel Sign-Up and Interest Survey and AV Requests Deadline is TOMORROW!!!

Panel Survey closes closes tomorrow, March 24, 2019 at 11:59p.m. Central Time.  It’s your last chance to give YOUR feedback on what panels will run during WisCon 43.  The survey is a big part on how Panel Programming is decided every year!  If you want to more about how panel programming works, please view this post for a quick overview.

WisCon Panel Programming is divided into separate tracks which group related concepts together in order to facilitate interesting and complex discussions.  The current list of tracks are below:

  • Feminism and Other Social Change Movements
  • Power, Privilege, and Oppression
  • Spirituality, Organized Religion and Politics
  • Science and Technology
  • The Craft and Business of Writing
  • Reading, Viewing, and Critiquing Science Fiction
  • Fandom as a Way of Life
  • Interactive Storytelling and Media

You will need to a WisCon account in order to view and fill out the survey.  If you don’t have an account, create one at the “Create Your Account” page.  For those with an account already created, go to “Log in to My Account” page.  You should see the link to the survey once logged into your account. Then you can choose your panel interests on the panel sign up and attendance interest form!

This is a very important stage of Panel Programming. The more people who participate in the survey and sign up for and/or rate the panels, the better chance you will have at seeing your panel submissions on the final schedule. We understand that completing the survey can be laborious, but doing so is completely for your benefit.

AV Requests for WisCon 43

As previously stated, the Panel Survey closes tomorrow, March 24, 2019 at 11:59p.m. Central Time.  However, some of you fine folk put in requests for AV equipment when you submitted your proposed panel ideas. If your proposed panel ideas for which you requested AV equipment made it onto the Survey, we ask that you confirm that you still require said equipment.

The Madison Concourse provides conference rooms with projector screens and projectors with HDMI ports for your laptop. We recommend that you bring your own HDMI cables or Macbook converters for your laptops, and any external sound amplifier equipment, as we cannot guarantee that the Concom will have equipment like that available on the spot.

To confirm, please email us at with “AV Request – Your Submitted Panel Title” in the subject line, and what type of AV equipment you require in the body of the email by tomorrow, March 24, 2019 at 11:59p.m. Central Time.

In order to streamline this process, we ask that only those who submitted the panels which made the survey email us with these requests. To view the entire list of panels, please log in to your WisCon account, click “Sign Up For Programming”, then click the full list of proposed panels link.

We cannot guarantee that AV equipment will be available for you if you do not submit an AV Request to us by March 24, 2019 at 11:59p.m. Central Time.

Hand-Staffed Panel Requests for WisCon 43

You may have noticed that certain panels allow for only a “I would like to attend this panel” option. That is because those suggesters had requested that these particular panels be staffed with those folk who best fit with the marginalized identities about which the panels will discuss. If you have not already contacted us about hand-staffing your proposed panel, please email us at with “Hand-Staff Request – Your Submitted Panel Title” in the subject line, and who you would like to be on your panel in the body of the email by tomorrow, March 24, 2019 at 11:59p.m. Central Time.

Questions/Concerns/Feedback can be sent to

Jackie Gross, Lead Panel Programming
JP Fairfield, Panel Programming
Jennifer Cross, Panel Programming
Charlie Hawkins, Panel Programming

WisCon Kids’ Programming Needs You!

This year, WisCon Kids’ Programming is trying a new approach. Kids’
Program activities have their own track in the Panel Signup. For more information on how to sign up for panels, check out this post on our blog.

We’re hoping to get different people to volunteer for each hour of Kids’ Programming, to enrich the activities we can offer our kids, and to share the work so that Kids’ Program volunteers get time to enjoy
WisCon themselves.

WisCon is full of people who have learned how to do a few cool things! Some of you would enjoy the opportunity to teach one of those things to an interested group of kids. Kids’ Programs can offer you an hour and fifteen minutes, a small group of kids (6-11 years old), an adult assistant, and whatever materials our small budget can cover. Sign up for Panel Programming, in the Kids’ Programs track, and send email to with questions or a description of what you’d like to do.

If you don’t want to run an activity, you can be the second adult in
the room. In this role, you have to be flexible. You might be
assisting with materials for a craft activity, or building Legos or
jigsaw puzzles with the kids who don’t want to do the main activity,
or firmly redirecting the energies of a kid who doesn’t want to do the
main activity and is trying to have a swordfight in that space
instead. To volunteer for this role, sign up for a panel in Panel
Programming, in the Kids’ Programs track, but don’t click the button
that says you volunteer to moderate this panel.

If you want to do more to help create a welcoming space for kids at
WisCon, consider joining the Kids’ Programming Team on ConCom. Share the work and the decision-making that make WisCon happen!

Volunteering at WisCon entitles you to the Volunteer Gift.
Volunteering for six hours entitles you to a rebate of part of your
membership fee.

If you have any questions, email

One Week Left for WisCon 43 Panel Sign-Up and Interest Survey and AV Requests!!! Deadline to Submit Survey and AV Requests – March 24th

You have one week left! Panel Surveys are open until March 24th  Now’s the chance to give YOUR feedback on what panels will run during WisCon 43.  The survey is a big part on how Panel Programming is decided every year!  If you want to more about how panel programming works, please view this post for a quick overview.

WisCon Panel Programming is divided into separate tracks which group related concepts together in order to facilitate interesting and complex discussions.  The current list of tracks are below:

  • Feminism and Other Social Change Movements
  • Power, Privilege, and Oppression
  • Spirituality, Organized Religion and Politics
  • Science and Technology
  • The Craft and Business of Writing
  • Reading, Viewing, and Critiquing Science Fiction
  • Fandom as a Way of Life
  • Interactive Storytelling and Media

You will need to create a WisCon account in order to view and fill out the survey.  If you don’t have an account, create one at the “Create Your Account” page.  For those with an account already created, go to “Log in to My Account” page.  You should see the link to the survey once logged into your account. Then you can choose your panel interests on the panel sign up and attendance interest form!

This is a very important stage of Panel Programming. The more people who participate in the survey and sign up for and/or rate the panels, the better chance you will have at seeing your panel submissions on the final schedule. We understand that completing the survey can be laborious, but doing so is completely for your benefit.

AV Requests for WisCon 43

As previously stated, the Panel Survey is currently live and will close on March 24th. However, some of you fine folk put in requests for AV equipment when you submitted your proposed panel ideas. If your proposed panel ideas for which you requested AV equipment made it onto the Survey, we ask that you confirm that you still require said equipment.

The Madison Concourse provides conference rooms with projector screens and projectors with HDMI ports for your laptop. We recommend that you bring your own HDMI cables or Macbook converters for your laptops, and any external sound amplifier equipment, as we cannot guarantee that the Concom will have equipment like that available.

To confirm, please email us at with “AV Request – Your Submitted Panel Title” in the subject line, and what type of AV equipment you require in the body of the email by March 24th.

In order to streamline this process, we ask that only those who submitted the panels which made the survey email us with these requests. To view the entire list of panels, please log in to your WisCon account, click “Sign Up For Programming”, then click the full list of proposed panels link.

We cannot guarantee that AV equipment will be available for you if you do not submit an AV Request to us by March 24th.

Hand-Staffed Panel Requests for WisCon 43

You may have noticed that certain panels allow for only a “I would like to attend this panel” option. That is because those suggesters had requested that these particular panels be staffed with those folk who best fit with the marginalized identities about which the panels will discuss. If you have not already contacted us about hand-staffing your proposed panel, please email us at with “Hand-Staff Request – Your Submitted Panel Title” in the subject line, and who you would like to be on your panel in the body of the email by March 24th.

Questions/Concerns/Feedback can be sent to

Jackie Gross, Lead Panel Programming
JP Fairfield, Panel Programming
Jennifer Cross, Panel Programming
Charlie Hawkins, Panel Programming

Want to come to WisCon for FREE?*

* Some conditions** apply.

** Okay, the condition*** is that you are a Red Cross certified lifeguard, or willing to become one before May 15.

*** Sorry, the other condition is that you’re 18 years old or older before the beginning of WisCon.

You probably already know that WisCon’s venue, the Madison Concourse Hotel, has a terrific pool. What they don’t have is a lifeguard, and a lifeguard is something we need to have when our Kids’ Program participants visit the pool before lunchtime on Saturday and Sunday. You won’t be in charge of the kids, though — just their safety. A volunteer will be with them to bring them to the pool, supervise while they are there, and take them back to the sixth floor afterwards. You’ll be poolside wearing a swimsuit or whatever clothes you’d be comfortable jumping into the water wearing, on the very slim chance that becomes necessary.

This is not a volunteer role, but you aren’t disqualified if you’re also a WisCon volunteer! If you are our lifeguard, your registration is free, and we will also pay you for the time you spend on duty, approximately three hours total. If you’re willing, we may also discuss holding family or all-ages lifeguard-monitored swimming sessions, which could add up to another three hours of paid work.

If you already are lifeguard certified, hit us up! If you know someone who has a certification, lives in the area, and might want to try WisCon out, send them this post! If you don’t have a certification but might want to get one, you can learn more here: Unfortunately, we cannot pay for the certification or reimburse you for that cost, so we only suggest that you do so if you might find it useful in other parts of your life.

If this sounds like you or you want more details, please email and let us know.

Two Weeks Left! WisCon 43 Panel Sign-Up and Interest Survey Is Open!!! Deadline to Submit Survey – March 24th

You have two weeks left! Panel Surveys are open until March 24th  Now’s the chance to give YOUR feedback on what panels will run during WisCon 43.  The survey is a big part on how Panel Programming is decided every year!  If you want to more about how panel programming works, please view this post for a quick overview.

WisCon Panel Programming is divided into separate tracks which group related concepts together in order to facilitate interesting and complex discussions.  The current list of tracks are below:

  • Feminism and Other Social Change Movements
  • Power, Privilege, and Oppression
  • Spirituality, Organized Religion and Politics
  • Science and Technology
  • The Craft and Business of Writing
  • Reading, Viewing, and Critiquing Science Fiction
  • Fandom as a Way of Life
  • Interactive Storytelling and Media

You will need to a WisCon account in order to view and fill out the survey.  If you don’t have an account, create one at the “Create Your Account” page.  For those with an account already created, go to “Log in to My Account” page.  You should see the link to the survey once logged into your account. Then you can choose your panel interests on the panel sign up and attendance interest form!

This is a very important stage of Panel Programming. The more people who participate in the survey and sign up for and/or rate the panels, the better chance you will have at seeing your panel submissions on the final schedule. We understand that completing the survey can be laborious, but doing so is completely for your benefit.

Questions/Concerns/Feedback can be sent to

Jackie Gross, Lead Panel Programming
JP Fairfield, Panel Programming
Jennifer Cross, Panel Programming
Charlie Hawkins, Panel Programming

Art Call for Souvenir Program Book

The Souvenir Program Book is currently looking for artwork for its cover. (Just like last year, the Souvenir and Program Books will be combined!)

Dimensions–8×10, 300 dpi
Works in all media that can be easily scanned/laid out in an 8×10 cover are welcome!
Please send a proposal and 3-5 work samples.
We pay $100!
Deadline for consideration is March 30.
Please send proposals for consideration to