- contact: signout@wiscon.net
- Register via our Google Form (no Google account required)
- Annual deadline to sign-up: May 15
Attention all givers and seekers of autographs! Come to the SignOut, a signing party and WisCon farewell rolled into one! Creative folks and those who love them will gather together to sign and get signatures, to thank and praise and schmooze one last time before we fly away for another year.
The SignOut usually happens on Monday, the last day of WisCon, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
If you would like to be a signer, please complete the registration form on Google Forms. Anyone is welcome to be a signer, you don’t need to be a writer or work in any specific medium. If you missed the deadline but WisCon hasn’t started yet, go ahead and fill out the form — we’ll see if we can fit you in, and we will let you know by the time the convention starts!
Are you looking at this page after WisCon has begun, and you just realized you want to participate? Come to the SignOut info table at least 20 minutes before it starts and we’ll try to set you up!