All posts by WisCon Communications Team

Volunteers Needed for WisCONline 2025: GoH Co-Lead, Apprentice Communications Chair

Guest of Honor Co-Lead
Want to rub elbows with some of your favorite established authors? Sign on to coordinate communication and logistics for WisCon guests of honor! As Guest of Honor Co-Lead, you’ll make sure each guest has a place on the program and coordinate liaisons as needed. Learn more by contacting (subject: GoH Lead).

Apprentice Communications Chair
Spread the word about WisCon! As Apprentice Communications Chair you’ll help the Communications Team transmit the latest WisCon news via its website, social media, and newsletters. To learn more, please contact (subject: Apprentice Com Chair).

Volunteers Needed for WisCONline 2025: Access Team, Writing Workshop Team

Volunteers needed!
Access Team Member
Do you love finding and hiring people for needed services? We need an Access Team Member to hire live Closed Captions transcribers to help make WisCONline 2025 accessible and welcoming. The process is in place, we just need someone to train and go through the steps! Please contact (subject: Access Team Member) for more info.
Writing Workshop Team Member
Nurture spec-fic writers! As Workshop Team Member you’ll help the Co-Leads manage video call rooms for critique sessions and special topic sessions and/or take shifts for writing sprints for WisCONline 2025. Contact (subject: Workshop Team Member) for more information.

Volunteer Needed: IT

IT volunteer needed: If you have experience with server infrastructure (LAMP stack knowledge desired but not required), we’d love your help with our server migration project. This position can last until the end of the project or can be a longer-term role, depending our your availability and interest. For more information, please contact (subject: IT volunteer).

WisCONline Art Show Applications are Open

Since the con is online-only this year, we won’t be setting up a physical room or selling artists’ work directly (or charging commission fees). However, we would still love to see and show the artwork of the WisCon community!

In past years, the Art Show has included painting, drawing, illustration, photography, comics, printmaking, jewelry and other wearable art, sculpture, and more — basically, please do apply if you make any form of visual art and want to share it with WisCon members.

The online show will consist of images and descriptions submitted by artists, curated on a 2025 Art Show page on They will also be shared on WisCon’s social media, and artists who attend will be able to post about their work in an Art Show channel on the private WisCon Discord.

To apply for the show, please fill out this Google form:

Applications will be open through March 31.

Please contact the Art Show organizers (Tahlia and Sherry) at artshow@wiscon.netif you have any questions.

WisCONline Programming Survey Opens

Get excited everyone! We’re starting to plan WisCon 2025, which means we need you to tell us what you want it to be.

This year, we’re using a Google form for our interest survey so you can express interest in all the things we’re doing in one place. Note that there is no section for gaming or parties because we weren’t sure how much interest there would be with an online-only con. But if that is your thing and you want one of those things to happen at WisCon this year, there’s a space at the end of the survey for you!

If you have more thoughts that cannot be covered in this survey, please feel free to email Otherwise, click on the link here:

The survey will be open through January 31st.

Volunteers Needed for WisCONline 2025: Ceremonies Lead, Gathering Lead, Access Team

Ceremonies Lead
Love being the center of attention? Become Ceremonies Lead for the WisCONline 2025! You’ll organize the Sunday evening awards ceremony, introduce our Guests of Honor, recognize the contributions of committee chairs (and possibly Otherwise folk), and make other important announcements as needed. This is your chance to shine. Contact (subject: Ceremonies Lead) for more information.
Gathering Lead
If you believe in the importance of social connections, Gathering Lead is the role for you. You’ll solicit gathering activity ideas (via the Communications team) and organize Discord channels to help people socialize as they join WisCONline 2025.
If helping people connect with friends, established and new, is your passion, please contact (subject: Gathering Lead).
Access Team Member
Help make WisCONline 2025 accessible and welcoming to all! You’ll work with the Access Lead(s) to provide Closed Captions, facilitate Alt Text, and troubleshoot other accessibility issues as they arise. For more information, please contact (subject: Access Team Member).

Website Team Lead Needed

Be in the know as WisCONline’s Website Team Lead. You’ll update our website with the most current con information, coordinating with IT Infrastructure Lead, AppDev Lead, and other con leads. Expect to spend about 2 hours a week in this position. Familiarity with WordPress a must. For more information contact (subject: Website Team Lead).

Discord Co-Lead and Personnel Co-Chair Needed

Discord Co-Lead:

Here’s your chance to shine and make order out of Discord! As part of the Online Con team, you’ll set up and manage the WisCon Discord. You’ll coordinate with other departments on programming-specific channels, and help manage Discord volunteers and at-Con moderators to help online attendees connect. If you’re familiar with Discord or similar computer-mediated chat systems and are a skilled project manager, we need you! Contact (subject: Discord Lead) for more information.

Personnel Co-Chair:

Do you have experience with HR or volunteer coordination and management? You can help SF3 gear up for the next WisCon! This remote role involves checking progress and follow-up with Personnel volunteers for a few hours per week. The Personnel Co-Chair is a member of the SF3 Personnel Committee and reports to the SF3 Vice President. Contact (subject: Personnel Co-Chair) for more information.

IT Infrastructure Chair and Academic Program Lead Needed

Volunteers needed!
IT Infrastructure Chair
If you have a passion for translating between tech folks and mere mortals, the role of IT Infrastructure Chair is for you! As IT Chair, you’ll make sure the information technology infrastructure of WisCon runs smoothly, including the website, and WisCONline scheduling and registrations apps.  Expect to spend 3-5 hours a week on this critical volunteer position. To find out more, email (subject: IT Chair).
Academic Program Lead 
If you love research that supports feminist science fiction and fantasy, then the Academic Program Lead position is for you!  You’ll draft a call for proposals from professors, researchers, doctoral candidates and grad students studying fields related to feminist science fiction to present their research at WisCONline 2025. You’ll schedule presentations, and then publish the results after the convention. Templates from previous academic programming leads available.  Contact (subject: Academic Lead) for more information!
For more information about either of these positions (or if you’d like to volunteer, but neither of these is a good fit for you), you can also check out our list of Open Volunteer Positions.

SF3 VP Opening

Are you fascinated by the big picture and happy to let others handle mundane details? Or perhaps you love connecting people to facilitate effective action. You may be the perfect candidate to become Vice President of the SF3 Board. Expect to spend 3-7 hours a month as the liaison between the Board and WisCon committee chairs in this crucial role.
For more information, contact (subject: SF3 VP).

Announcing WisCONline 2025

The WisCon Convention Committee is pleased to announce that we will be having an online convention in 2025!

What will WisCONline 2025 look like? In addition to being fully online with no in person presence, we are currently looking at changes to WisCon to make it more sustainable for our volunteers. This means WisCon may appear to “shrink”, but if we offer less (for example, fewer panels), it’s because our focus is on quality and maintaining WisCon’s values.

While we can’t give exact details this early, more than ever, the capacity WisCon has to do the things we all love will depend on having volunteers step up. We’re committed to avoiding the past burnout we’ve seen come from volunteers taking on too many roles.

When is it? It will take place Memorial Day weekend as always! (May 23-26, 2025, with some programming possible Thursday evening and Tuesday morning.)

Why online only? Unfortunately we weren’t able to recruit key volunteers in time to make an in-person con viable. We’re excited, however, to use this opportunity to explore what we can do to engage and reach our community in ways we can’t usually.

When can I register? We will send out more information soon about registering!

How can I get involved? We are still in need of many important volunteer roles, which will determine what the con actually looks like. Please check our list at
and contact if there are any roles you’re interested in. Also look out for panel submission requests and other contact from our team!

AppDev Team Lead Needed

Are you a developer interested in making WisConline 2025 possible? As AppDev Team Lead, you’ll manage a team of other application developers to keep our applications running; plan and execute updates on a timely basis; and work with other committees to prioritize enhancements/fixes based on importance and your team’s resources. You’ll also work with Convention Committee leadership, recommending appropriate updates or changes, and using their practical feedback to guide priorities. Expect to spend 1-2 hours a week on this role most of the year, and 10-20 hours (verifying applications) ramping up to WisCon.  Sound interesting? Please contact (subject: AppDev Lead) for more information.