Dessert Salon Changes for WisCon 43

This year we are implementing some changes to how we handle entry to the Salon!

Beginning at 6pm Sunday, ticket holders can stop by the second floor Registration Desk to get a number which will correspond to a place in line for themselves or their group. At 7:30pm we will start to show folks into the Salon in number order.

The lowest numbers will be reserved for people who need the help of assistive devices or staff to get seated. There will be chairs available near the door as in past years for people who need to sit until their number is called.

If you miss your number, simply let the door person know, and they will include you in the next group. We will also be able to give approximate estimates of when a number is likely to be called when you pick your number up, allowing you time to relax, eat dinner, and socialize anywhere in the hotel.

2 thoughts on “Dessert Salon Changes for WisCon 43”

  1. This sounds great! Thank you for the change!

    I wonder, though, if this will result in people forming a long line a couple hours earlier, to get numbers. I’m guessing that you thought about that and have thoughts about how you expect it’ll go; I would be curious to hear more if you’re up for further discussion. (But fine to ignore this comment, of course.)

    …This also makes me wonder about other ways the process could be improved. In particular, I feel like there’s always a certain amount of chaos around people trying to grab tables, and find people to sit with, and so on; it occurs to me that movie-theatre pre-assigned seating makes the experience of going to movies much nicer, which makes me wonder whether something similar could be done with the Dessert Salon. Might be way too complicated and hard to implement, but thought it was worth asking about.

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