Joanna & Gail
The Gathering

Don’t forget to pack some awesome clothes for the WisCon clothing swap, happening at the Gathering from 1 pm to 3:45 pm Friday! All clothes remaining at the end of the Gathering will be donated to the Community Action Coalition.
New this year — the WisCon Gathering will be hosting a nail polish swap! Bring some unloved but good-condition bottles & find new colors! Feel free to take a bottle home even if you don’t bring one.
My favorite thing!!! When we first introduced the Swap, it was only for strange and colorful pieces of clothing that people had been too scared to buy for themselves, to experiment with. But I love the way it has grown into a place to pick up something you might need, even very practical clothing (in all sizes….) – interview suits? baby clothes? costume for GenderFloomp? It’s all there. And it’s so satisfying to bring a beloved piece of clothing you’ve outgrown one way or another, and see someone else sporting it with joy that weekend!
Oh, and remember: You don’t have to have brought anything to still be able to take something away.
Also: I will probably accost you at some point while you’re in the room, and demand that you try on something you never thought you’d wear. You will probably look great in it.