Over the weekend, the WisCon Concom has spent much time reading and discussing the responses to the Friday announcement of the subcommittee’s decision on Jim Frenkel. We heartily thank the community for all of your insightful commentary and critique. We are grateful to you for holding us accountable to our feminist principles.
Currently, the concom is looking at all aspects of this process and decision. You have brought us your questions; we have questions of our own. We are actively working on answers to them. Answers may not come immediately, but we will keep you updated. If possible, we’ll post again before the end of the week with information about where our discussion is taking us.
We apologize again to Elise and Lauren. Not only were you hurt by harassment at WisCon, but you have been hurt again and again by this process over the past year. We are deeply sorry for our repeated failures.
We apologize to Mikki Kendall, whose information on a previous incident was not made properly significant in the process.
We apologize to the WisCon community. You have been hurt by this process as well and left feeling unsafe at WisCon. Thank you for your anger and criticism — it’s informing our discussion and moving us forward.
Moving WisCon forward from these repeated failures is hard work. We on the concom are willing and determined to be engaged in this, although as individuals engaged in such hard work it can prove extremely difficult to not add to the ongoing harm. We apologize for our part in causing harm, and thank you for patience that is not always so well deserved.
The concom continues to invite and value your feedback. Comments made on this post (as well as tweets made using either @WisConSF3 or #WisCon) will be sent to the entire concom.