
Thank you for joining us for Visioning WisCon!

We have a Google Form where you can ask questions about the ConCom, give feedback on this event (Visioning WisCon), and make suggestions for WisCon in 2022. You can also request to join our email newsletter or request more info about volunteering on the concom (no commitments, just info).

The form will be open through Monday evening (5/31) at 9pm Central time. After that, you’re welcome to contact us or subscribe to the email newsletter through this website!

Visioning the WisCon ConCom

We have a new Spontaneous Programming item this evening at Visioning WisCon!

Visioning the WisCon ConCom: Do you have ideas for how to carry WisCon forward? Do you have questions about how WisCon is organized that you’d like answered? Start a conversation about #VisioningWisCon with several current ConCom members in Spontaneous 1 on Kumospace, today (Sunday, 5/30) at 6PM Central.

NFTs are destructive horrors. Buy real stuff at our virtual con.

Is anyone else SUPER distressed over the revelation that carbon credits may have been manipulated to such a degree for profit that they may have amplified ecological harm rather than reduced it?

TIL if you start a blog post in a super-depressing way, it’s hard to regain your momentum.

One of the many many ways that you can help ameliorate the harms of capitalism on communities and the planet is through careful, thoughtful purchasing. Local helps, and independent helps, and supporting each others’ creativity can be incredibly nourishing.

We know that WisCon isn’t a single community, and is in no way homogeneous, but rather is a web of interconnections between many different communities, individuals, and groups. As a whole, we have some practices, relationships, values, and ideas in common, even though we may not be able to see those connections so clearly on an individual level. There are reasons we come to WisCon, and the reasons are in those broad commonalities.

Supporting each other — buying or otherwise appreciating the writing, artwork, craftwork, skills, and services of folks you have attended panels with, sat next to in the Con Suite, split a cab to the airport with, to whom you’ve handed out a nametag, or with whom you laughed over a speech — that’s a small act of mutual support, of strengthening the whole. We need that strength.

We don’t have an Art Show this year, and we don’t have a Dealers’ Room, and we aren’t able to stroll down to Room of One’s Own to be at the Guest of Honor reception that usually kicks off the convention Thursday night. But we can gesture powerfully toward those things by supporting the vendors, artists, and businesses that we love to see at WisCon, so that they can join us again in person in 2022.

You can access a list of vendors and artists who would love to sell you things at this link, which is a google sheet.

You can also find many of these folks by using the hashtags #WisCon, #VWisConDealers, #WisConDealers, #WisConArtShow, and #VWisconArtShow on Twitter and (possibly) Instagram. Happy shopping. 🙂

Are you an artist or vendor? Want to be added to the spreadsheet? Please leave a comment on that sheet and we will add you. Want to show off your wares? Consider signing up for Show & Tell!

In the meantime…Register here to join us TODAY AND TOMORROW May 29 & 30 at Visioning WisCon!

How do I find the virtual door?

Good question! Apologies to all of you people who like to plan ahead. I am not one of you, but I admire your ways and regret any distress that the tardiness of this post has caused.

Our spaces for Visioning WisCon use Kumospace, a group video-chat platform that does not require any software beyond a browser.

We strongly recommend that you use Chrome browser to attend if possible, and that you take a moment to enable captioning within your own Chrome settings. Here are google’s own instructions on how to do that.

The first time you visit our Kumospace-hosted spaces, you will need to create an account, which requires only an email address. You can also use a Google/Gmail account as your login, if you are signed in to that account in Chrome.

You will have access to two different spaces. You can think of the first space as analogous to most of the convention space at the Madison Concourse Hotel (including the bar, the pool, the party suites, and the conference rooms). We’re calling this the Convention Space. The convention space allows you to hang out with other attendees, chat, and participate in spontaneous programming.You can think of the second space as analogous to the big ballroom where the Gathering, Dessert Salon, Vid Party, and SignOut happen. We’re referring to this as the Event Space. The event space allows you to hang out with other attendees, chat, and watch/participate in the scheduled events.

Why two spaces? Because everyone in every part of the event space will hear and see the events, as they are “broadcast” throughout all of the rooms in the space. Separate spaces allow us to have spontaneous programs happen simultaneously with the events, which would be difficult otherwise. Can you be in both spaces at once? If you have two computers, sure, why not. Please beware of weird audio double-echoes, though. Also beware of evil clones.

Speaking of evil clones…let’s talk safety.

Safety folks have Safety Stars on their names.

We ask that anyone who comes into these spaces register for Visioning WisCon, so that they have access to the information we are sharing via Eventbrite. We ask that you avoid sharing the links to the spaces.

Everyone who enters the spaces is subject to our Code of Conduct. If you have any concerns about behavior that you witness or are subjected to within the convention or events spaces during the hours that Visioning WisCon is underway, please direct message anyone with a star next to their name in the “people” list at the bottom of your Kumospace window. These folks are Safety staff, have admin powers, and can remove any attendee from the space.

There will be no Safety on duty prior to 4pm or after 11pm Central time.
We will not close the space after hours and you are welcome to continue to use it as a social space, but please be aware that there will not be anyone enforcing the Code of Conduct.

Bad actors who are removed from the convention or event spaces will not be able to re-enter. Removals are permanent. Removal from Visioning WisCon may have lasting impact when we return to in-person conventions.

BUT WHERE ARE THE LINKS TO THESE PLACES???? At 4pm Central, please proceed in an orderly fashion to the Eventbrite page, where you will see a button with the text “Access the Event”. Ta da!

Feeling impulsive? Wanna hold a panel?

Technically, the “spontaneous” in WisCon’s “Spontaneous Programming” doesn’t mean that those programs are the result of stray or surprising impulses. It just means that the ideas didn’t make it into the regular program schedule, or that one of the regular panels or workshops or papers provoked enough discussion — tangential or otherwise — that it sprouted a part 2 that same weekend.

Or maybe someone woke up that morning and realized they’d had an epiphany about how Riker is symbolic of the textually un-examined specter of extractive colonialism in Star Trek: The Next Generation and they had to panel about it right away. In which case it is the result of a stray or surprising impulse. And that’s also valid.

So this weekend’s virtual spontaneous programs are sort of both of the above and sort of neither. Creating WisCon’s program schedule — including Readings, Gaming, Workshops, Panels, and Parties — is a massive undertaking that involves a small army of volunteers, several software platforms, lots of proofreading, surveys, reminders, data entry, and weeks of tweaks until it all fits together and is ready to happen.

We wanted to keep Visioning WisCon as an easy-entry, accessible, low stress event. Our (virtual) doors open at 4pm Central TODAY (Saturday), and you can either show up with an idea for a discussion — panel, presentation, demonstration, reading, roundtable — and people to have it with, or you can gather participants from among other attendees on the spot. We’ll have a schedule available for you to reserve a slot and promote your topic in one of our spontaneous programming rooms.

You know you don’t want to wait ANOTHER year before you talk through your feelings about Bill & Ted Face the Music, or Star Trek: Picard, or Lovecraft Country, or…how is time even real it’s making my brain feel funny. You get the drift.

Signups for spontaneous slots will open up today (Saturday) at 4pm Central, and will continue all weekend.

Register here to join us THIS WEEKEND May 29 & 30 at Visioning WisCon!

I can’t think of anything clever to say beyond DANCE PARTY

Yeah, that’s right. We’ve got a swank, exclusive dance hall ready for you, where the music is always exactly the volume you like, the lighting is perfect, and the cover charge is waived because you are SO WELL TURNED OUT.

On account of it’s your kitchen. Or living room. Or possibly (dare I say) your bedroom.

Oh yeah. When the Otherwise Auction winds down, we roll out the bass boosters and crank up the strobe light. Figuratively speaking. We’ve got a dance mix full of Karaoke Kid favorites and disco throwbacks and…pop punk, and we’re ready to hit shuffle and throw down from whenever Sumana says we can start until 11pm Central time.

11pm Central is when the con ends tonight! We’ll see you again starting at 4pm central tomorrow (Sunday).

Register here to join us THIS WEEKEND May 29 & 30 at Visioning WisCon!

I know what you did last summer…

I mean “I want to know what you did last summer.” Or what you’ve been reading. Or all about your new puppy, partner, baby, knitting skills, ability to keep a succulent alive, musical find, craving, checkers strategy, crush, artworks, tattoo, poetry, haircut…

So how? How are you going to share all of those things? HOW?

How can we combine author readings, speeches, the Gathering, parties, panelist bios, the Dealers’ Room, and the Art Show, squish it all down into 5-8 minute chunks, and make it virtual?

Kindergarten style, of course.

We’re kicking off the convention weekend with Show & Tell.

Details on how to snag a sharing slot will be revealed starting at 4pm Central today (Saturday) via Eventbrite for anyone who has registered, and we will start at 5pm and run until we’re out of people who want to share, or Sumana tells us we have to stop. Come find out what your pals have been doing, listen to their brilliance, and tell them about yours.

Register here to join us THIS WEEKEND May 29 & 30 at Visioning WisCon!

BREAKING NEWS: There’s Room at Visioning WisCon

Get it? It’s a pun, because we have a lot of room due to being virtual, and because (here’s the news part) Gretchen from Room of One’s Own Bookstore will be joining us for a live Ask-the-Bookseller event at 5pm Central on Sunday (5/30)!

What would I ask a bookseller, you say? WHAT WOULDN’T YOU ASK A BOOKSELLER. I mean, I know Gretchen, and they know a lot of stuff. Including but not limited to upcoming books, the impact local businesses can have on their community, what media is best for working in a closed-to-the-public bookstore, what it’s like when you find out you have to find a new store location and move during a pandemic, and more more more!!!

Also they hinted that they might have giveaways. Maybe.

But wait, there’s more!

Gretchen dropped everything and made us a fantastic list of book recommendations! And it’s not just one list — it’s FIVE lists in a very large overcoat pretending to be one list. CHECK IT OUT. AND they shout out all of your fave indie presses that we usually get to visit in the Dealers’ Room. AND they gave us all a sweet sweet sweeeeeeeet discount code, which you will see in the page text when you visit the recommendations lists. (It’s in allcaps and is easy to find, I promise.)

The events schedule is filling up! Tomorrow: news about another event! After tomorrow and before Friday: announcements about everything else.

Register here to join us May 29 & 30 at Visioning WisCon!

Concourse Hotel Weekend Information

First of all, there are still PLENTY of discounted rooms available for our weekend meetup at the Concourse Hotel! Click here to make a reservation.

The hotel has set up a meeting space for us in the Madison Ballroom (better known to WisCon members as the Dealers Room) on the second floor. We will have a big screen for viewing this weekend’s Visioning WisCon online content, as well as tables and chairs for holding our own spontaneous conversations. The room will be open starting at noon on Friday and will be available through Sunday night.

Masks are required in the meeting space and 6-foot distancing should be practiced wherever possible. Please avoid bringing in food or drink.

Lastly, Madison locals, day trippers, and friends & family are all welcome to come! The in-person meetup is not an official WisCon event and there is no registration. If you will be participating in Visioning WisCon, we ask you to please register separately (see our other posts for more details).

We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

The Otherwise Auction? In MY Visioning WisCon?

It’s more likely than you think.

Unless you knew already that the Otherwise Award was born at a WisCon, lo those many years ago! (In 1991, which is thirty, more or less! Don’t come for my math.) In that case, maybe it’s more of a happy reveal than an actual surprise.

The Otherwise Auction supports the Otherwise Award, and it’s always a good time — famed Otherwise auctioneer Sumana Harihareswara will be reprising her role. As Otherwise Award Motherboard member Pat Murphy says:

Last year, Sumana’s online auction was amazing, compelling, and impossible to describe. I’m a science fiction writer; I should be able to describe just about anything. But somehow Sumana managed to auction off things that didn’t actually exist but were (despite that) real. It was one of those “you had to be there” events — even though none of us were actually there.

This year Sumana promises that there will actually be some physical things that people can buy and possess — along with a custom crossword puzzle with Otherwise-related clues. Just a few tangible objects and a lot of intangible fun — which seems appropriate as we slowly ease back into the physical world.

Unlike last year, we’ll be using actual money for this auction. (If you have no idea what we’re talking about, ignore this whole paragraph! You never saw us, we were never here.)

The auction will start at 7pm Central on Saturday night (5/29), and will end when Sumana says it’s over. We’re really excited to have a chance to support the Otherwise Award, even without an in-person convention this year, and to have fun doing it!

Visioning one of our 2022 Guests of Honor

Are you anticipating the return to an in-person WisCon as much as we are? This Memorial Day weekend, you can get a sneak preview of one of WisCon’s four (4!) amazing 2022 Guests of Honor!*

Just for us, Zen Cho will be recording a reading and more with the help of Dave Ring. Come get super-stoked (do people still get stoked? Is that still a thing? It’s clear from context, right?) — it’s our 7pm Central event on Sunday (5/30)!

*You can read more about Zen Cho and the other three guests we have lined up for 2022 here on WisCon’s website.

Viddinging WisCon!

Okay, that was funnier and/or punnier in my head, sorry.

Even though we aren’t having a convention in the Madison Concourse Hotel this year, we’ve got the technology, and we can share feelings from afar — experiencing WisCon’s 11th Vid Show, but: online!

The Vid Show will be Visioning WisCon’s closing event, and we’ve cleared out three hours just in case everyone’s feelings overflow like some sort of bubblebath-related mishap, except with more neurotransmitters and zero heavy perfumes. Do we have enough vids for three hours? Do we have enough opinions and thoughts for three hours? HAVE YOU LITERALLY EVER MET ANY OF US? (Maybe you haven’t! Maybe all of your WisCons so far have been virtual and you only lurked! That’s totally legit, but trust me: yes, we could do it on opinions alone.) It’s kicking off at 8pm Central time on Sunday night (5/30), and winding down around 11pm.

For the uninitiated, “vids” are fan-made remix videos with something to say. As is usual for the WisCon Vid Show, there will be subtitled vids, a sing-along portion, and short shows on various themes.

The big difference this year is that since we’ll be using Kumospace, you can chat to your neighbor by voice or text within the convention space WITHOUT bothering anyone else and accidentally making a life-long nemesis! More details soon on how that will all work (making screenshots: so boring, so necessary), so stay tuned.

In the meantime, whether you miss hanging out in a darkened hotel room watching vids with your friends or you’ve never been able to make it in the past, join us — we hope you’re as excited to watch some curated vids as we are!

Register here to join us May 29 & 30 at Visioning WisCon.