eCube #10 is now online, with important, time-sensitive news about programming sign-ups, hotel room reservations, and a reminder/warning about retrieving items from the WisCon lost-and-found.
Category Archives: Email Newsletter
ecube#9 now online!
eCube #9 is now online, with news about programming, Daisy Khan scholarships, access accommodation requests, the 2010 Tiptree Award winner, and honors for the Tiptree Motherboard.
eCube#8 now online: Programming and Reading Signups Now Open, GOH noms, and More!
eCube #8 is now online, with news about programming signup, readings signups, the Carl Brandon Awards, WisCon36 guest of honor nominations, the SignOut, the first timers’ dinner, news about past Tiptree winners attending Wiscon, and the Tiptree Book Club.
And yes, it’s that time you’ve been waiting for…WisCon 35 programming participant sign-up is open through March 18! Come peruse the possibilities: read all about it on the programming page.
Readings signup is now open through March 10! Full instructions are available on the readings page.
eCube #7 now available online
eCube #7 is now online, with news about past Tiptree winners attending Wiscon, a very special Hotel Special, programming idea deadlines, and a call for Gathering ideas.
eCube#6 now online
eCube #6 is now online, with deadline reminders for programming, parties, and special events, an update on past WisCon GOHs, and a guide to WisCon’s new user interface for its online registration program.
eCube #5 now online
eCube #5 is now online, with an announcement about the Tiptree Award’s 20th Anniversary, a revised statement of principles, a call for programming ideas and academic presentations, “help wanted” adverts for volunteers and concom vacancies, and news about WisCholera and James Tiptree, Jr. herself.
eCube #4 now online
eCube #4 is now online, with a proposed statement of principles for WisCon, “help wanted” adverts for concom vacancies, and great news about Nnedi Okorafor’s new project.
For suggestions and discussions concerning the ConCom’s statement about Elizabeth Moon
Please use this blog to make suggestions and to discuss the ConCom’s statement concerning Elizabeth Moon in eCube #3.
Two New eCubes Are Now Online with Updates On Elizabeth Moon and WisCon News
eCube #3 is now online, with a special message to the WisCon community about GOH Elizabeth Moon.
And eCube #2 is also online, with updates on programming, the Sixth Floor Housing Special, and the Writers’ Workshop.
eCube #1 is now online
eCube #1 is now online, with updates on our Guests of Honor, programming ideas, and the publications that make WisCon great.
eCube 12 is onboard with Wiscon34 Updates!
eCube Number Twelve is onboard and flying to you with major updates:
- Hotel Reminders & Information
- Where’s My Name Badge??
- Access News
- The Tiptree Bake Sale Needs You!
- Come One, Come All!
- Auction Gearing Up
- Grab The Best Seat In The House!
- Photographic Etiquette & Privacy Policies
- WisCon 35 Hotel Reservations, Memberships Available May 30
- Registration For WisCon 35
- WisCon Invites You To Peek Behind The Curtain
- More Info
Go to eCube Number Twelve now.
Progress Report 2 is also available online.
eCube Number 11 now available online
eCube Number Eleven is now online, with a call for WisCon volunteers, a shout-out for Deb’s Liverlovers, Tiptree Auction news, Access info, and the announcement of the brand-new, all-shiny WisCon Registration Smorgasbörd.
And a reminder: the WisCon 34 Program Schedule is now available online. Peruse the programming, plot your schedule, and prepare for a wonderful WisCon34!