Don’t forget to review your programming assignments!

Chris Wallish
SF3 Communications Committee

We’ve reached the penultimate step in the process of revealing our schedule for WisCon 40 — preliminary programming assignments have been sent out!!

Did you receive an email about your preliminary assignment?  That means the crucial part of this step is now in your hands.  Please log into your WisCon account  and respond to each of your assignments.  Hit the accept/decline link and on the next page select either “This works for me.” or “I have a problem.”  There’s a box where you can leave a comment about what’s not working for you — use this box, as it will help our programming team sort things out!

If you’ve been placed on a panel, you have through Monday, April 25, at 11:59pm Central Time to respond to your preliminary assignments.

Did you NOT get an email about programming assignments?  Check your spam, and if you still don’t see it you can always just log in at to see if you’ve been assigned to anything.  Your preliminary program will show up on the main page after login.

If you are accepting ANY of your programming assignments, please take a moment to also review your program name and bio.  How do you find that?  On the main page — where it says “Hello, [name]!  You are logged in as [email address]” — you’ll find a line with your name.  Immediately to the right of your name will be the hyperlinked word “Edit.”  Click on that to be taken to the profile page.

On the profile page, you can set your badge name.  You can set how your name will appear in the Pocket Program Book.  And if you’d like your name to NOT appear when we post the schedule online, there’s a ticky-box for that.

If you enter a website URL, your participant information online will link to it.

Complete the “Short bio” box with how you’d like to be biographied in our Pocket Program Book and in the WisSched app.  Complete the “Long bio” to have a longer biography on our website, where the pixels are free and we’re not constrained by the limitations of paper size and cost.

Click “Save” and you’re good!  And we’re one bit closer to releasing the kraken full WisCon 40 schedule!!

2 thoughts on “Don’t forget to review your programming assignments!”

  1. I haven’t received an email and I can’t find anything when I log in. Could you confirm I haven’t been assigned, please, and that it is not just technological ineptitude on my part? Thank you.

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