Chris Wallish
SF3 Communications Committee

Sometimes, world domination is best achieved through a bake sale. Every year, WisCon does just that — holding a Saturday bake sale to support the Otherwise Award.
To pull off this delicious fundraiser, we need your help. We are looking for donations of baked goods, preferably home-baked instead of store-bought. We need folks who can contribute a single batch or pan of their favorite dessert. Bakers should provide a list of ingredients in their contributions so that friends with dietary restrictions can choose wisely.
We’re also looking for volunteers to staff the bake sale as counter help for 1-hour shifts from 11am to 4pm on Saturday. Don’t forget that working a shift in the bake sale counts toward the six hours needed for your volunteer rebate!
If you have questions about bringing some baked goods for the sale, or if you’d like to volunteer as counter help, email
(Your convention can hold an Otherwise bake sale, too! Details are on the Otherwise site.)