Hotel Reservations Now Open for WisCon 37

Whether you prefer to make your hotel reservation in person with a friendly face, on the phone with a friendly voice, or online, you can secure your room for the 2013 convention starting Sunday morning, May 27.

Reservations can be made online via a link on the WisCon website, or stop by the concierge desk in the hotel lobby to make your reservation in person, or call the friendly folks in the Concourse’s reservations department. The Concourse has scheduled extra reservations agents for Sunday morning to ensure that everyone’s request is handled as expeditiously as possible.

Room rates at the Concourse Hotel for WisCon 37 will be $101/$111 single/double for a Concourse-level room, and $173/$183 single/double for Governor’s Club rooms. If you make your reservation in person or by phone, be sure to tell them you want a room in the WisCon 37 room block to get these rates.

After you get your hotel reservation lined up for 2013, go online to the WisCon website or stop by WisCon’s Registration/Information desk in the second floor lobby area to get your membership for the 37th annual World’s Leading Feminist Science Fiction Convention! The committee is already in the planning phases of what will be yet another fabulous four-day marathon of spirited dialog, thought-provoking readings, and just plain fun, so make sure you have your membership secured.