A Momentary Taste of WisCon 30
Here are a few links to some information from WisCon 30, which was held May 26-29 of 2006. The
pocket program is particularly large, but does show a full spectrum of what happened at the convention,
including program descriptions and participant bios.
PDF documents require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program available
here. All documents are PDF format unless
otherwise noted.
- WisCon 30 Brochure
- WisCon 30 Poster
- WisCon 30 Progress Report
- WisCon 30 Pocket Program Book
- WisCon 30 Pocket Program Book, RTF format
- eCube Newsletters 1, 2, and 3
- eCube Newsletters 4, 5, 6, and 7
- eCube Newsletters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13
- eCube Newsletters 14 and 15