The board of SF3, WisCon’s parent organization, has posted the following statement on their blog. Please visit that post to comment.
SF3 is the nonprofit organization that’s responsible for WisCon; it provides long-term governance and financial management not only for the annual convention, but also for other projects and initiatives.
SF3’s Annual Meeting is coming up on Sunday October 24 at 1PM (Central). This meeting will be held virtually; you can join by telephone or online. If you are a current SF3 member you will receive information about how to join no later than Thursday, October 14 , via email.
This meeting is where officers on the SF3 board present their annual reports, and where significant business facing the organization is discussed. Anyone who is a member of SF3 can attend and vote at the annual meeting—you can join SF3 at The deadline for joining SF3 prior to this year’s meeting is Wednesday October 20.
This year’s Annual Meeting is particularly important, because all current board officer positions will be open. At least three of officer roles—President, Treasurer, and Secretary—must be filled for SF3 to continue to legally operate and keep its 503(c)(3) status. At the time of this posting, we don’t know of anyone who plans to stand for any of these three positions.
We encourage anyone who loves the WisCon annual convention to consider standing for an open board position. At a very general level, board members are expected to participate in discussion about policies and governance for SF3, and to help ensure that SF3 is on sure footing for the future (financially and organizationally). This ranges from making sure our annual taxes are accurate and filed on time, to discussing our mission and values, to planning new projects or initiatives. More information about specific board roles can be found at Though the current officers are not able to remain in their positions, they will be available to help orient new board members.
One of the past failures of the SF3 board has been its lack of support for participation from BIPOC members of the WisCon community. As noted in our recent Anti-Racism Statement, we are undertaking a strategic planning process focused on inclusion and eliminating practices and attitudes that contribute to a white supremacist culture. This strategic planning work is separate from the board, although we expect both groups will be in frequent communication.
SF3 membership is free for BIPOC. Moreover, if you are Black, Indigenous, or a person of color and have any interest in joining the SF3 board as an officer, we hope you will do so! While the many officer vacancies is a hurdle, we also hope it will be an opportunity for renewal and reevaluation of SF3’s direction. This will be happening at the same time as we are updating SF3’s interim mission, vision, and values to center inclusivity and reject racism and white supremacy.
If you have concerns about the commitment involved, or could join only with further support, you are welcome to contact any individual board member, or the board as a whole at
If you are interested in standing for a board officer role, please contact Jess Adams at by Tuesday, October 19 to express interest. Jess is also available to answer questions you may have about board roles.
Summary Agenda
A more detailed agenda, and all materials for the upcoming meeting, will be sent to SF3 members after October 14, no later than Saturday October 23.
Old Business
- Officer reports
- Reports from committee chairs (WisCon concom, Personnel, Communications)
New Business
- Elections to the board + open officer positions:
- President (Jackie Lee vacating, 1 year left in term)
- Vice President – vacant, 2 years left in current term (Jess Adams interim Vice-President, June – October 2021)
- Treasurer – vacant, 1 year left in current term
- Secretary (term ending, Bronwyn Bjorkman will not stand for re-election)
- Notice of appointment of Committee Chairs
- Other business
The terms of officer positions are set according to our bylaws.
“The president and treasurer shall be elected in years evenly divisible by three; the vice-president shall be elected in the following year; the corresponding secretary and recording secretary shall be elected in the year after that.” SF3 Bylaws, Section 4.3
(As of 2019, corresponding and recording secretary were collapsed into one role.)