Chris Wallish
SF3 Communications Committee
The SF3 Board and WisCon Concom are happy to announce Aileen Wall as the chair for WisCon 40, effective immediately. She relieves Jackie Lee, who has been acting as interim chair.
Aileen has been on the Concom since early 2014. At WisCon 38 and 39 she was master of ceremonies for the Sunday night Dessert Salon / GoH Speeches event. For WisCon 39 she was also hotel co-liaison. In life outside of Wiscon, Aileen works in the Madison performing arts community including as stage manager of Concerts on the Square.
We all have enormous respect for Aileen from her work as hotel co-liaison and are grateful for the stage management skillset she brings to the Concom Chair role. We’re looking forward to working with her over the next seven months as we build WisCon 40 together.
Thanks, Aileen!
Congrats and thanks!