WisCon is a feminist science fiction & fantasy convention held annually.
In 2020, WisCon meets online for its 44th convention, our first all-online con! We hope you’ll join us virtually during U.S. Memorial Day Weekend — May 22-25, 2020!
Guests of Honor
Our two WisCon 44 Guests of Honor this year are Rebecca Roanhorse, who will be participating in WisCONline programming; and Yoon Ha Lee, who is unfortunately unable to participate in WisCONline.
Registration for WisCon 44 has now closed. Stay tuned: registration for WisCon 45 in 2021 will be opening soon!
Hotel info
We won’t be in our convention hotel this year, Madison’s wonderful Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club. The Concourse has opened up room reservations for WisCon 45 in 2021! Please show your support for our fabulous hosts by making your room reservations today. We have a room block with special rates, which expires in April 2021.