Category Archives: Volunteering

Volunteers Needed for WisCONline 2025: Access Team, Writing Workshop Team

Volunteers needed!
Access Team Member
Do you love finding and hiring people for needed services? We need an Access Team Member to hire live Closed Captions transcribers to help make WisCONline 2025 accessible and welcoming. The process is in place, we just need someone to train and go through the steps! Please contact (subject: Access Team Member) for more info.
Writing Workshop Team Member
Nurture spec-fic writers! As Workshop Team Member you’ll help the Co-Leads manage video call rooms for critique sessions and special topic sessions and/or take shifts for writing sprints for WisCONline 2025. Contact (subject: Workshop Team Member) for more information.

Volunteer Needed: IT

IT volunteer needed: If you have experience with server infrastructure (LAMP stack knowledge desired but not required), we’d love your help with our server migration project. This position can last until the end of the project or can be a longer-term role, depending our your availability and interest. For more information, please contact (subject: IT volunteer).

Website Team Lead Needed

Be in the know as WisCONline’s Website Team Lead. You’ll update our website with the most current con information, coordinating with IT Infrastructure Lead, AppDev Lead, and other con leads. Expect to spend about 2 hours a week in this position. Familiarity with WordPress a must. For more information contact (subject: Website Team Lead).

Discord Co-Lead and Personnel Co-Chair Needed

Discord Co-Lead:

Here’s your chance to shine and make order out of Discord! As part of the Online Con team, you’ll set up and manage the WisCon Discord. You’ll coordinate with other departments on programming-specific channels, and help manage Discord volunteers and at-Con moderators to help online attendees connect. If you’re familiar with Discord or similar computer-mediated chat systems and are a skilled project manager, we need you! Contact (subject: Discord Lead) for more information.

Personnel Co-Chair:

Do you have experience with HR or volunteer coordination and management? You can help SF3 gear up for the next WisCon! This remote role involves checking progress and follow-up with Personnel volunteers for a few hours per week. The Personnel Co-Chair is a member of the SF3 Personnel Committee and reports to the SF3 Vice President. Contact (subject: Personnel Co-Chair) for more information.

IT Infrastructure Chair and Academic Program Lead Needed

Volunteers needed!
IT Infrastructure Chair
If you have a passion for translating between tech folks and mere mortals, the role of IT Infrastructure Chair is for you! As IT Chair, you’ll make sure the information technology infrastructure of WisCon runs smoothly, including the website, and WisCONline scheduling and registrations apps.  Expect to spend 3-5 hours a week on this critical volunteer position. To find out more, email (subject: IT Chair).
Academic Program Lead 
If you love research that supports feminist science fiction and fantasy, then the Academic Program Lead position is for you!  You’ll draft a call for proposals from professors, researchers, doctoral candidates and grad students studying fields related to feminist science fiction to present their research at WisCONline 2025. You’ll schedule presentations, and then publish the results after the convention. Templates from previous academic programming leads available.  Contact (subject: Academic Lead) for more information!
For more information about either of these positions (or if you’d like to volunteer, but neither of these is a good fit for you), you can also check out our list of Open Volunteer Positions.

AppDev Team Lead Needed

Are you a developer interested in making WisConline 2025 possible? As AppDev Team Lead, you’ll manage a team of other application developers to keep our applications running; plan and execute updates on a timely basis; and work with other committees to prioritize enhancements/fixes based on importance and your team’s resources. You’ll also work with Convention Committee leadership, recommending appropriate updates or changes, and using their practical feedback to guide priorities. Expect to spend 1-2 hours a week on this role most of the year, and 10-20 hours (verifying applications) ramping up to WisCon.  Sound interesting? Please contact (subject: AppDev Lead) for more information.

Fundraising Lead Needed

Do you dream of a career in the non-profit sector? Do you like organizing data and people? Fundraising is the most stable non-profit role, and we can give you valuable experience building up a fundraising program!  You’ll work closely with the Treasurer and meet twice per month, once with Fundraising volunteers and once with all Chairs, to check in about fundraising activities. Mentoring available. To learn more, contact (subject: Fundraising Lead).

Access Lead Needed

If you’re dedicated to making WisCon as accessible and welcoming as possible, this position is for you. As Access Lead, you’ll manage the Access Team of dedicated volunteers to arrange and hire live Closed Caption transcribers (training provided!), facilitate Alt Text, and remain available and flexible for unpredictable details. For more information, please contact (subject: Access Lead).

What Is Possible

Hey WisCon,

You may have noticed a call going out urgently and repeatedly a couple of weeks ago, for three ConCom Co-Chairs. This call failed, and I believe this can make WisCon stronger. We now have the opportunity to staff for a WisCONline in 2025 (with gratitude to the 2020 leadership for paving the way, including making that delightful portmanteau.) We won’t know for sure unless we get confirmed staff by October 2nd.

We’ve restructured the ConCom into three new Committees, which have been chaired in the last two weeks, but don’t worry! There’s still lots you may be needed for! The roles that are needed as of this posting before we can hold a WisCONline in 2025 are:


  • AppDev lead (1-2), limited training
  • Server Migration working group (needs 1 to launch), experience needed, temporary group
  • SF3 Treasurer, training available
  • Personnel Co-Chair, training available
  • Comms Co-Chair, training available
  • Fundraising (Co-)Chair(s) (new), training being researched
Operations & Hospitality:
  • Access Co-Leads, training available
  • Discord Con Lead, training available
  • Registration Pre-Con Lead, training available
  • GoH Team Lead (new), guidance being assembled
All current open roles are listed here:

Let’s discover what kind of WisCon we can build together.

Discord Lead Needed

Here’s your chance to shine and make order out of Discord! As part of the Online Con team, you’ll set up and manage the WisCon Discord. You’ll coordinate with other departments on programming-specific channels, and help manage Discord volunteers and at-Con moderators to help online attendees connect. If you’re familiar with Discord or similar computer-mediated chat systems and are a skilled project manager, we need you! Contact (subject: Discord Lead) for more information.

Ops & Hospitality Chair

Do you want to sharpen your coordination, communication, and delegation skills? Or apply these skills to a convention setting? Volunteer to be WisCONline’s Ops & Hospitality Chair, and you will have the joy and challenge of coordinating six teams of fantastic volunteers to help WisCONline run well. We ask for 1-5 hours per week now, increasing to 10-15 hours closer to WisCONline. Duties can be split with a Co-Chair, depending on your energy and time. You’ll need experience behind the scenes at WisCon and/or WisCONline; we’ll provide orientation, mentoring, and documentation.
Contact (subject: Ops & Hospitality Chair) for more information.