At-Con Newsletter — A Momentary Taste of WisCon

When things change during WisCon — panels are looking for panelists, panelists for another panel change, volunteers are needed in a specific area, and so on — the best way to keep up with things is our at-con newsletter, “A Momentary Taste of WisCon.”

How can you read it?

  • Printed copies of the newsletter are posted near the Registration/Info Desk on the second floor of the Concourse.
  • Individual articles are posted to our blog and then mirrored under “Announcements” in the WisSched app.
  • PDF copies are archived here on the website.

At-Con Newsletter Archive

  • It’s not WisCon yet!  Check back on May 27 for our first issue.

I have news!

If you have news that you’d like to include in “A Momentary Taste of WisCon,” please contact us at the email address above.  We love article submissions!