All posts by commsadmin

Volunteer Needs at WisCon 37!

As WisCon approaches, we still have some open volunteer shifts that we are hoping to fill before the convention starts. These opportunities will allow you to meet new people, explore interests, possibly add new skills, and help make the convention the best it can be!

A/V could use three people to help with set-up and during special events: the Tiptree Auction on Saturday and GoH speeches on Sunday, plus one other person to help when needed.

On Friday night, we need one or more people to head the First WisCon Dinner, an informal meet and greet for people attending the convention for the first time and anyone else interested. The group meets outside the Wisconsin ballroom after the first panels end 5:15-5:30 and heads to a local restaurant for dinner together.

Access could use some help with blue-taping in the mornings during the convention and before special events.

The Tiptree Auction still needs runners for during the bidding.

The Tiptree Bake Sale could use help on Saturday after the sale with breakdown from 3-4 pm and some extra hands during their busy time from 11:30 am-2 pm.

Sign-out on is looking for a couple more volunteers on Monday from 10-30 until the end.

Registration has shifts open on Saturday and Sunday.

The ConSuite has openings throughout the convention, please check in at the ConSuite to sign up for open shifts.

Childcare also often needs help, you can stop by during open hours to see if and when they need help.

We will have additional and emergency needs posted on the volunteer board near registration beginning Friday morning, If you are arriving on Thursday or early Friday and want to help with set-up, you can stop by registration or the volunteer board to see how you can help.

All volunteers receive a special commemorative thank you gift. If you volunteer six or more hours during the convention, you are eligible for a $20 refund on your membership fee as funds allow.

If you can help us out, or for more information, please contact us at

Thank you!

Ship your WisCon Books & Artwork Home Instead of Schlepping It On The Plane

The UPS Store will set up shop at the Concourse on Monday for all your shipping needs.

Packing and shipping service will be available on Monday from 9 am to 3 pm to ship your art show and dealers’ room purchases safely home. The UPS Store is a locally owned and operated shipping and packing store. We work with UPS, DHL, and the US Postal Service (but not FedEx). We are professional packers and have professional-grade boxes and packing materials. Our computer software helps us choose the best carrier for your shipment based on its weight, dimensions, and its destination zip code. We are experienced in book conventions and know how to best get your purchases to your destination.

Please note. You do not need to provide a box for your materials. We prefer to package all items at our retail store, and will not bring packing materials to the convention.

Reminders: It is always more economical to ship to a business rather than to a residential address. The business has to be in a commercial building; businesses in homes do not qualify for the commercial rates. All carriers except the U.S. Post Office include $100 of insurance and tracking capabilities. We highly recommend going with that type of carrier.

Visit our website at or call us to get more information at (608) 833-7447. We are looking forward to meeting and working with you over Memorial Day weekend!

–Shannan Bogle, The UPS Store, Ondana Rd, Madison, WI

Hotel Reservations Now Open for WisCon 37

Whether you prefer to make your hotel reservation in person with a friendly face, on the phone with a friendly voice, or online, you can secure your room for the 2013 convention starting Sunday morning, May 27.

Reservations can be made online via a link on the WisCon website, or stop by the concierge desk in the hotel lobby to make your reservation in person, or call the friendly folks in the Concourse’s reservations department. The Concourse has scheduled extra reservations agents for Sunday morning to ensure that everyone’s request is handled as expeditiously as possible.

Room rates at the Concourse Hotel for WisCon 37 will be $101/$111 single/double for a Concourse-level room, and $173/$183 single/double for Governor’s Club rooms. If you make your reservation in person or by phone, be sure to tell them you want a room in the WisCon 37 room block to get these rates.

After you get your hotel reservation lined up for 2013, go online to the WisCon website or stop by WisCon’s Registration/Information desk in the second floor lobby area to get your membership for the 37th annual World’s Leading Feminist Science Fiction Convention! The committee is already in the planning phases of what will be yet another fabulous four-day marathon of spirited dialog, thought-provoking readings, and just plain fun, so make sure you have your membership secured.

Scenes from an Opening Ceremony

Here are scenes from yesterday evening’s Opening Ceremonies, which featured the Carl Brandon Society singers and a special virtual visit from absent Tiptree foremother Karen Joy Fowler channeled through the person of Ellen Klages, who then placed the Tiptree tiara on the head of guest of honor Andrea Hairston, the first Tiptree Award winner who was also WisCon’s Guest of Honor in the same year.

The Carl Brandon Society entertained the gathered membership with Broadway show tunes:

And members of the concom welcomed everyone to WisCon 36 and offered members information about volunteering and access for an appreciative audience: