That’s right, you can sign up now! Just head to this page on our website. If you have trouble with the link, try logging in at first. Even if you don’t want to be a panelist, you can still express your interest in panels. This helps us to decide which panels to keep. (Sadly, we do not have room for them all.)
All posts by commsadmin
Party Submission Deadline approaching: March 1st!
Here’s a message from our parties coordinator:
Hey folks! There are only two weeks left before we close the request page for parties. We still have space for more parties, so if you’ve been thinking about proposing a fun party idea now’s the time! Head on over to the party page:
Academic Programming Deadline Extended to March 8th
We’ve extended our deadline for academic proposals! It’s now March 8, 2014 midnight central time.
You can find more information on how to submit proposals here on our website.
eCube: Volume 38, No. 2
You can read the latest edition of eCube here. Snapshot of the information in this issue:
–Learn about our 6th floor room deal. If you sleep on the party floor at the Concourse, you can receive a room discount. This process is first come, first served.
–You can submit programming ideas at
–WisCon needs a video archivist. We have recorded many GOH speeches and Tiptree ceremonies, but currently nothing is done with these recordings. Help preserve & share WisCon history, if you can!
–Last year was the first attempt at organized gaming at WisCon. We’re seeking more feedback & volunteers for gaming at WisCon 38.
For more information on any of these topics, please see the eCube.
Call for Donations and Nominations to WisCon Member Assistance Fund!
The fund formerly known as the Scholarship Fund is now the WisCon Member Assistance Fund.
With us so far? We changed the name to make it clearer that the fund is there to help you, yes you, come to WisCon. You do not have to be an academic–just a person who is enthusiastic about coming to WisCon but needs a little help to do so.
Every year, we try to help as many people as we can come to WisCon. Now is the time of year when we ask you to please consider contributing to the member assistance fund this year. All contributions should be made to SF3 and sent to
SF3 Attn: WisCon Member Assistance Fund
P.O. Box 1624
Madison, WI 53701
SF3 is a 501c3 organization, so your donations are tax deductible. Every penny will be used to help potential WisCon members attend in May. You can also use Paypal and send the money to
We are also accepting nominations for potential recipients of assistance. Nominate someone else or nominate yourself. Tell us why the potential recipient would be a good person to attend WisCon and give us an idea of what funds would make the difference between being able to attend and missing the convention. Typically, we give amounts between $200 and $500. We have been asked whether a previous recipient of assistance can receive help again. The answer to that is that yes, that is a possibility, but if we do not have enough money to help everyone who applies, we will give priority to people who have not previously received assistance. Depending on the number of nominations and the amount of donations, the WMAF committee will try to help out as many people as possible who would like to come to WisCon but need some support to do so.
All nominations need to be made by midnight, PST, February 15, 2014. Assistance recipients will be notified by March 15, 2014. These deadlines are timed to allow people who receive assistance time to sign up to be on programming. Nominations for the WisCon Member Assistance Fund should be sent to
Nominate away! And please, if you have a little money to help other people come to WisCon, donate!
Genderfloomp Seeks Feedback from GQ/GNC/Trans Community
This entry is cross-posted at the request of the Genderfloomp organizers, and comment streams are available on Dreamwidth and Livejournal.
Hi there. As the organizers of the annual Genderfloomp party at WisCon, we learned of a recent wave of concern that Genderfloomp is uncomfortable/appropriative for gender non-conforming or non-binary people. We’d like to open a discussion about this issue.
To start off, we want to determine if the problems primarily reside in the party’s messaging online, its actual setup/conduct at the con, or simply its existence. We’ve spoken to some GNC/GQ people who really enjoy the party and find it to be an important space, and we would find it helpful to hear what aspects of the party do work as well. Ideally, we can find a way to rework Genderfloomp so that it can serve the entire community, but we also are open to much bigger changes.
We are both queer people who are gender non-conforming in some ways that are important to our identity, but do not pretend that this gives us access to the wide spectrum of GNC, GQ, and trans experiences. Our intentions with Genderfloomp are to embrace the liberatory aspects of “party,” rather than the trivializing connotations, in order to foster a space of gender play and binary destabilization, much in the same way that the Tiptree award celebrates work that “explores and expands” ideas of gender. If our party is hurting GNC/GQ folks, it is failing at its mission, and we apologize for any hurt we have caused.
We know a wide spectrum of Wiscon has insight to share on Genderfloomp, but we ask that this thread be restricted to folks who identify as GNC/GQ/Trans in order to give people room and safety to speak. If commenting here feels uncomfortable or unsafe, we
can also be reached at
We are here primarily to listen with humility and openness, though we are also happy to answer any questions.
Meghan McCarron and Liz Gorinsky
We’re changing the name of the WisCon Scholarships Fund
Please help us decide what to rename it to! Please vote in our polls either on Dreamwidth or on LiveJournal.
Food Poisoning
Reports have been trickling in of some potential food poisoning cases, if you think you got a foodborne illness over the weekend please call the Madison Health Department at 608-266-4821. More details on reporting here:
Feedback Surveys & Programming is open for WisCon 381
If you have thoughts about things that went well at WisCon 37 or things that went not-so-well, we’d love to hear from you. We have a general survey as well as a survey about programming.
Lastly, if you have programming ideas for WisCon 38/SFRA, you can submit them now.
ETA: If you’re coming here in May 2014, this is an outdated post! The post with links to surveys after WisCon 38 are here.
A Momentary Taste of WisCon: Issues #3 & 4
Issue #3 includes info about the Tiptree Auction. Issue #4 includes pictures and quotes from Sunday evening’s Guests of Honor Speeches and Award Ceremony. We also announce WisCon 38’s Guests of Honor: Hiromi Goto and N.K. Jemisin.
A Momentary Taste of WisCon: Issue #2
Check out Issue #2 of A Momentary Taste of WisCon here. Inside: Tiptree Auction preview, changes to Saturday programming, more information about WisCon 38 coinciding with the Science Fiction Research Association’s annual meeting, how to register & reserve hotel rooms for WisCon 38, the location of our Lost & Found room, and more!
A Momentary Taste of WisCon #1
Check out Issue #1 of our at-con newsletter, A Momentary Taste of WisCon, here. (That link opens up as a PDF.) Inside: Changes to programming items, information about our SmartPhone apps, changing your preferences on our website, volunteering, how to still sign up for Sign Out, and more!