WisCon 44 is now canceled.

WisCon 44 is now canceled.

We are currently working on an online event to replace it — a WisCOnline, if you will. More details will be coming in a second blog post by next Monday (March 30).

WisCon 45, in May 2021, will be a banger, with all the elements of WisCon 44 that we are unable to carry off online, as well as all of the normal elements of WisCon 45! More details will be coming soon on W45 as we confirm them; watch this space!

If you have already paid for your registration and/or Dessert Salon tickets for WisCon 44, we would deeply appreciate it if you could allow us to roll over your membership and dessert tickets to WisCon 45. Having those funds available will allow us to keep our plans in place despite the long gap between in-person conventions. If you are willing to roll over your paid order, no action is necessary. If you need to have your order refunded, please email registration@wiscon.net before April 15, 2020.

There is no need to cancel your room reservations — the entire WisCon block has been cancelled as well. Please do not call the hotel at this time; we will be sure to provide further details in upcoming posts about room blocks for next year.

We apologize that it took us a few weeks to make this decision. WisCon relies on many small or independent businesses, including our hotel — The Madison Concourse Hotel is not only independent and unionized, they are a valuable partner in putting on the convention, and many of the things we do wouldn’t be possible without their flexibility and hard work. We needed to make sure that we are all getting through this in good shape, and that required some deep, thoughtful conversations.

Thank you again for understanding, and stay tuned for more information coming soon!

6 thoughts on “WisCon 44 is now canceled.”

    1. Hi Karen — We’re sad to lose our in-person con, but it was definitely the right thing to do. Thank you so much for your support! – Kit

  1. Thanks for the transparency and (as far as I’m concerned) quick update!

    I know for some people, like myself, those of us who couldn’t volunteer with the ConCom due to work constraints and such will have much more free time going forward, especially this next month. Are you in need of and/or accepting additional volunteers to help with the WisCOnline planning and setup? I know I’d love to help make this happen, and I’m sure I’m not alone. 🙂

    1. Hi Logan! Yes, we would absolutely love more volunteers! 🙂 Drop a line to personnel@sf3.org and let us know what you might be interested in (helping is choose and manage online platforms? moderating chat rooms? helping organize content? something else?). Or if you aren’t sure, you’re welcome to email us chairs (chair@wiscon.net) and we can chat more about what might be a good fit for you. – Kit

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