All posts by commsadmin

Hotel Reservations and Online Registration for WisCon 36 Available at 9:00 am Sunday, May 29

Hotel reservations and online registration for WisCon 36 both open at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 29!

For full details on hotels and hotel reservations, please visit the WisCon36 hotel page.

Details for registering for WisCon36 are available through the WisCon36 registration page.

PLEASE NOTE: Links for hotel reservations and online registration will not go live until 9:00 am Sunday morning!

Sunday At-Con Newsletter / Sunday Program Changes

The Sunday edition of WisCon’s at-con newsletter, “A Momentary Taste of WisCon”(PDF) is now online, with coverage of the Tiptree Auction, an update on the Photo Booth, a discussion of sustainability, and really, too much news/tweets/overheard-at-WisCons to mention.

Sunday Program Changes

Dealers’ Room opens at 10:00 a.m., not 9:00 as shown in the
Pocket Program Book.

152. It’s a Broad Universe, Sunday 10-11:15 am. Lyda Morehouse
was unable to attend WisCon.

155. Due to access issues, Living with Invisible Disabilities,
Sunday 1-2:15 pm, will be located in Capitol A and No. 160
Whedonistas: Feminists Engage in the Worlds of Joss Whedon
will be located in Assembly.

160. Due to access issues, Whedonistas: Feminists Engage in
the Worlds of Joss Whedon, Sunday 1-2:15 pm, will be located
in Assembly, and No. 155, Living with Invisible Disabilities,
will be located in Capitol A. Lyda Morehouse was unable to
attend WisCon.

F*CKING RACE PANEL, Sunday 2:30-3:45 pm. Michelle
Kendall was unable to attend WisCon.

196. Science Fiction That Saved My Life, Sunday 4-5:15 pm.
Lyda Morehouse was unable to attend WisCon.

206. Mad Norwegian Press party, Sunday 8:45 pm-Monday 3
am. Lyda Morehouse was unable to attend WisCon.

209. Wyrdsmiths party, Sunday 8:45 pm-Monday 3 am. Lyda
Morehouse was unable to attend WisCon.

Volunteering at WisCon

We still have lots of ways to help and have immediate needs for volunteers. Please check out the volunteer information table near registration on the 2nd floor or e-mail me at to sign up or for more information.

This year’s volunteer thank you gift is a light weight tote bag with a beautiful WisCon logo by Jeanne Gomoll.

WisCon Volunteer Coordinator

Saturday At-Con Newsletter / Saturday Program Changes

The Saturday edition of WisCon’s at-con newsletter, “A Momentary Taste of WisCon”(PDF) is now online, with coverage of the opening ceremonies and news about WisCon36 hotels, volunteers, ASL lunch, and the 20th Anniversary Tiptree t-shirt.

Saturday Program Changes

Green Room closing time on Saturday is 10:30 p.m., not midnight.

57. What’s There to Look Forward To?: Dystopia and Anti-
Scientific Attitudes in YA SF, Saturday 8:30-9:45 am. Julia Karr
was unable to attend WisCon.

65. Class Issues in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Saturday 10-
11:15 am. Chris Wrdnrd is no longer a panelist. Alexis Lothian
added to panel.

68. Smut & Nothing But Make a Baby, Saturday 10-11:15 am.
Candas Jane Dorsey was unable to attend WisCon.

87. Vigorous Debate, or Verbal Harassment?, Saturday 1-2:15
pm. Michelle Kendall was unable to attend WisCon.

91. Assimilation and the Immigrant Grandchild, Saturday 1-2:15
pm, Neesha Meminger added to panel.

107. 11up, Saturday 2:30-3:45 pm. Valya Dudycz Lupescu was
unable to attend WisCon.

109. Mysterious Nexus: Science Fiction and Detective Fiction,
Saturday 4-5:15 pm. Julia/Sparkymonster is no longer a panelist.

110. Happy 90th Birthday, Carol Emshwiller!, Saturday 4-5:15
pm. Margie Peterson is no longer a panelist. Karen Joy Fowler
added to panel.

113. Class in SF: Who Gets It Right?, Saturday 4-5:15 pm. Chris
Wrdnrd is no longer a panelist. Liz Henry added as moderator.

WisCon35 Programming Changes for Friday, May 27

24. Romance and SFF, Friday 4-5:15 pm. Michelle Kendall
was unable to attend WisCon.

27. Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading, Friday 4-5:15 pm.
Elaine Bergstrom will be joining the reading.

35. 5 Writers, 5 Girls, 5 Worlds, Friday 4-5:15 pm. Julia Karr
was unable to attend WisCon.

46. Where Are Your Gods?, Friday 9-10:15 pm. Valya Dudycz
Lupescu was unable to attend WisCon.

49. How We Feminist Fans Conquered the Science Fiction
Conference, Friday 9-10:15 pm. Akira Kondo will be interpreting
for the panelists. Min Onouchi & Norma Oyama will be joining the panel.

54. Paranormal/Sci-fi Erotica: More Room for Feminist and
Anti-Racist Discourse?, Friday 10:30-11:45 pm. Elaine
Bergstrom will be joining the panel.

57. What’s There to Look Forward To?: Dystopia and Anti-
Scientific Attitudes in YA SF, Saturday 8:30-9:45 am. Julia
Karr was unable to attend WisCon.

65. Class Issues in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Saturday 10-
11:15 am. Chris Wrdnrd is no longer a panelist. Alexis Lothian
added to panel.

68. Smut & Nothing But Make a Baby, Saturday 10-11:15 am.
Candas Jane Dorsey was unable to attend WisCon.

87. Vigorous Debate, or Verbal Harassment?, Saturday 1-2:15
pm. Michelle Kendall was unable to attend WisCon.

91. Assimilation and the Immigrant Grandchild, Saturday 1-
2:15 pm, Neesha Meminger added to panel.

107. 11up, Saturday 2:30-3:45 pm. Valya Dudycz Lupescu
was unable to attend WisCon.

109. Mysterious Nexus: Science Fiction and Detective Fiction,
Saturday 4-5:15 pm. Julia/Sparkymonster is no longer a panelist.

110. Happy 90th Birthday, Carol Emshwiller!, Saturday 4-5:15
pm. Margie Peterson is no longer a panelist. Karen Joy Fowler
added to panel.

113. Class in SF: Who Gets It Right?, Saturday 4-5:15 pm.
Chris Wrdnrd is no longer a panelist. Liz Henry added as moderator.

152. It’s a Broad Universe, Sunday 10-11:15 am. Lyda Morehouse
was unable to attend WisCon.

155. Due to access issues, Living with Invisible Disabilities,
Sunday 1-2:15 pm, will be located in Capitol A and No. 160
Whedonistas: Feminists Engage in the Worlds of Joss Whedon
will be located in Assembly.

146. Papers from Picturing Tolkien, Sunday 10-11:15 am. Kristin Thompson is also presenting in this academic session.

Welcome to WisCon 35!

Welcome to WisCon35! Nisi Shawl is our guest of honor.

    Adult, teen, and youth WisCon memberships are available at the door! Prices and full information are available on the registration page.
    Check out WisCon 35’s nifty online programming guide, or if you prefer, read the Pocket Program (PDF) or the Program Grids (PDF).
    The first edition of WisCon’s at-con newsletter, “A Momentary Taste of WisCon”(PDF) is now online, with news, updates, and programming changes.
    And check out WisCon’s blog (also named “A Momentary Taste of WisCon!”) your one-stop shop for WisCon news, guides, schedules, and more.
    Dining in Madison? Check out WisCon’s dining guide, organized by cuisine (PDF), location (PDF), and price (PDF). And there’s a handy map (PDF), too.
    Tweeting WisCon? Use #wc35 (and #wiscon35 and #wiscon work too!) Or, use the handy auto-hashtag buttons associated with each panel in the online programming guide.
    The last WisCon progress report, eCube #13, is still available online, with news about security changes at the Concourse, hotel reservations for WisCon36, notes for program participants, a Tiptree Auction update, and an invitation for everyone attending WisCon for the first time.

What Happens At WisCon…

…depends on what you tell us you want to do at WisCon.

The programming committee chooses panels and events for WisCon based on the interest expressed by members during programming sign-up. This is why we ask everyone who plans to attend WisCon – or even thinks they might attend WisCon – to peruse the proposed panels and identify the panels and events they might be interested in attending, even if they aren’t interested in being a panelist or moderator.

To date, out of the nearly one thousand persons who traditionally attend WisCon, less than seventy-five have rated panels for interest or signed up to be a panelist or moderator. That means less than seventy-five persons are deciding what panels and events will be on offer at WisCon35.

Frankly, we’d like to have a larger sampling, and we on the programming committee would be grateful if you could take time in the next week to indicate your interest in the proposed panels.

All you need to do is visit the programming sign-up page and sign in to your account. (If you don’t have an account, all you need is a valid email address to create one.) Then click on the “Sign up for programming! Tell us which panels you’re interested in serving on, moderating or just being part of the audience” link, and use the radio buttons to indicate your interest (or lack of it.) You don’t need a paid registration to do this.

Note that not voting on an item is equivalent to clicking the “not interested” button – so if you’ve already visited the programming interest/sign-up pages and didn’t indicate an interest in a panel you might like to see, there’s still time to go back, sign in and support that panel.

And if you happen to see a panel on a topic you’re passionate about, please consider signing up as a panelist or moderator. Remember, WisCon doesn’t seek formal expertise – just an enthusiasm for the topic, with an interest in discussing and debating it while being willing to share and play with others.

The deadline for indicating interests/signing up to participate in programming is Friday, March 18, 2011.

The deadline to sign up to do a reading is Friday, March 18, 2011.

Thank you!


The WisCon concom is about to begin the process of nominating and voting on guests of honor for WisCon 36 in 2012. As always, we will accept nominations from anyone in the WisCon community. The deadline for nominations is March 21, 2011; send nominations to

Nominations MUST be accompanied by a SHORT statement describing the nominee’s qualifications and how the nominee’s work or activism complements WisCon’s statement of principles (see the statement below.)

As in previous years, only WisCon concom members will be involved in the voting process. WisCon concom members are those who are currently working to plan WisCon 35.

The concom will hold a first-round election in order to reduce the number of nominations to a list of 6 nominees. These nominees will then be discussed by the concom. If there are nominees with whom no concom members are familiar, we will endeavor to find and talk with people in the community who are familiar with the nominees. In the unlikely event that the concom decides that a nominee’s work does not complement WisCon’s statement of principles, their name will be dropped from the top-6-list.

The concom will vote on the top 6 nominees. Winners will be contacted and invited to WisCon 36. Their names will be announced at WisCon 35.

If you have concerns, comments or suggestions about this process, we would like to hear from you!


This statement of Wiscon’s mission and principles reflects our goals and ideals, and is intended to help guide our actions, even while recognizing that we will inevitably make mistakes and not always live up to those ideals. It is worth noting that this version of the statement was written towards the end of 2010, a year in which the WisCon committee has faced many challenges to both our principles and our process.

WisCon has been a feminist science fiction convention since its founding in 1977. The focus of the convention has been the intersection between feminism and science fiction. This focus distinguishes WisCon from many other science fiction conventions, and has been a major reason why WisCon has grown, developed, and flourished for so long, while some other conventions have had trouble staying vibrant.

Our focus includes science fiction, fantasy, and speculative literature of all sorts. Science fiction itself has been critiqued as a colonialist and imperialist genre, and in many ways this is true. But many of those influenced by it are dedicated to changing the genre to more accurately reflect the field’s vital role in our society: envisioning positive futures for all people. WisCon’s focus on science fiction has played an important role in the exploration of feminist futures: futures where people of all colors, and backgrounds flourish, where women’s rights and women’s contributions are valued, where gender is not limited to one of two options, where no one is erased out of convenience, hidden discrimination, or outright bigotry.

Feminism, at its root, is the belief that women and men are equal, and the rejection of sexist beliefs and practices. We, as feminists, have come to realize that all forms of oppression are interrelated. Our practice of feminism is based on a belief in the social, political, and economic equality of all. Feminism is part of a larger constellation of movements seeking social, political and economic equality for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, class, sex, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, ability, status, or belief.

Feminism is vital to WisCon’s identity. Feminism itself has grown and changed over the decades, and WisCon has worked to reflect those changes. Since its inception, WisCon has worked to create a space for feminism and its consideration within the science fiction community.

At base, we recognize that a commitment to feminism means a commitment to social justice of all sorts–we might not be able to focus equally on every issue, but still we cannot pick and choose which people deserve justice and which issues we are more comfortable with. We are called to be true to our principles, even (and especially) when they are unpopular.

WisCon’s commitment to feminism is also reflected in our processes. Meetings, decision-making processes, program development, and guest of honor choice all reflect a commitment to feminist ideals of equality, respect for everyone’s right to be heard, and the obligation to hold each other accountable for what we say. WisCon’s commitment to feminist process means that we reject hierarchies of oppression, recognizing that “the need…to nurture each other is not pathological but redemptive.” (paraphrased from Audre Lorde’s essay, “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House, ” which can be found in her collection Sister/Outsider.)

For 35 years, WisCon has aimed high. By our long existence and commitment to our goals, we have changed the face of science fiction and we will continue to do so. When we make mistakes, we keep working to improve. WisCon’s commitment to feminist science fiction and feminist process is a commitment to ensuring that our future is not just for not just white, well-off, able-bodied, straight men, but rather includes everyone.