All posts by commsadmin

eCube: Volume 38, No. 5

A new eCube came out on April 11th. Check it out for information about hotels reservations, confirming preliminary programming assignments, the dessert salon, role-playing gaming, things needed for children to take apart, SFRA, and more. We also need volunteers to run activities at the Gathering and someone to run the Tiptree Bake Sale. You can read the eCube online here.

eCube #4 is out!

Check out our latest eCube! Information about hotel reservations, the Concourse Hotel’s partial remodel, how to request ASL interpretation (deadline is April 1st!), and two volunteers needed: one at the Registration Table & one to be At-Con Tiptree Bake Sale Coordinator.

There’s still time to nominate Guests of Honor for WisCon 39!

The deadline to nominate guests of honor for WisCon 39 is tomorrow, March 22nd. If you’d like to nominate someone, please send an email to Please use “WisCon 39 GOH Nominations” as your subject line. Write a brief statement about how the person’s work and/or activism complement WisCon’s Statement of Principles. We especially welcome nominations for people of color.

Help us choose Guests of Honor for WisCon 39!

Want to nominate a Guest of Honor for #WisCon 39? Email the name of the person you want to nominate, as well as a statement about their work and/or activism complementing our Statement of Principles by March 22nd. We really do look at those statements! Please use “WisCon 39 GoH nominations” and the name of the person you’re nominating in the subject line of your email, 😉