Open Volunteer Positions

How to apply

You can email us about one or several of these roles you’re curious about at (subject: Volunteering).  We can help if you aren’t sure what’s the best fit!

Open Volunteer Positions

Needed now:

  • Recruiter (2)

Use your marketing skill to dazzle new volunteers! You’ll coordinate with Communications to draft and schedule open recruitment calls, like the one you’re reading now! This takes 2-4 hours per call, 1-3 calls per week. Body-double work time available. Contact (subject: Recruiter)


  • Fundraising Chair

Would you love to connect funders to an event you love? We can train you to do just that! A Fundraising Chair coordinates with the Treasurer, any Fundraising staff, and your fellow Chairs about fundraising activities of your choice from a virtual menu of options. Ed2Go training available. To sate your curiosity, contact (subject: Fundraising Lead).


  • Account Setup and Removal

Follow templates to set up new volunteers with their accounts, or remove outgoing volunteers.  Time commitment 3-4 hours per week as we approach WisCon, dropping to fewer afterwards. Contact (subject: Accounts member) for more information.


  • Server Migration (optional App Support)

If you have experience with server infrastructure, we’d love your help with our server migration project. You’d build or practice your LAMP stack skills & knowledge. This 1-2 hour/week position can last until the end of the project or can be a longer-term role, depending our your availability and interest. If this might be a good match, please contact (subject: IT volunteer).


  • Website Team Lead

You’ll organize meetings and tasks and get team members engaged so that team members can update the website. In the process, you’ll refresh or build new WordPress know-how. Expect to start at 3-5 hours per week and drop off to about 1-2 hours a week in this position. If curious, contact (subject: Website Team Lead).


  • Website Team Members

Have some WordPress skills you don’t want to get rusty, or want to build? Ask about joining our Website work sessions to continue to update the text, formatting, and structure of the WisCon website as a team. Starting at 3-5 hours per week and dropping off to about 1 hour per week.  For more info, contact (subject: Website Team).


  • Access Lead

Want a role that comes with surprises and new challenges? The Access Lead makes WisCon accessible and welcoming by being responsive to attendee requests. In addition to keeping tabs on Closed Captioning and Alt Text efforts, you’d remain available and flexible to meet some unpredicted needs using WisCon resources. Please email (subject: Access Lead) if you want to know more.


  • Closed Captioning Liaison

Want to coordinate an essential service and ease the load of organizers? Pick up Online Con Team’s current efforts to hire Closed Captions transcribers to help make WisCONline 2025 accessible and welcoming. The process is starting, we just need someone to train and go through the steps! Please contact (subject: Access Team Member) for more info.


  • Discord Lead-in-training

Have (or want to have) a Discord server? We can train you on Discord configuration and management for a minimum 3 month volunteer commitment. For 2-3 hours per week, you’ll be a member of an active team to help manage creation and setup of the Discord server for WisCon. You and the team will also coordinate moderation volunteers and deliver training. Volunteer hours may increase in May to around 5 hours per week for the last week or two before WisCon. If you’re curious, email (subject: Discord).


  •  Guest of Honor Team Co-Lead

Help choose our next Guest of Honor! Our process involves getting input of staff each year. As Guest of Honor Lead, you’ll also make sure each guest has a place on the program and coordinate liaisons as needed. Learn more by contacting (subject: GoH Lead).


  • Password Manager
Want to volunteer at your own pace for an hour or two a week? You’ll enhance the security of WisCon accounts by updating passwords, then notify those who use the accounts of the password change. For more information, contact (subject: Password Manager).

Learn now and be active by Mid-March

Chair Apprentices

  • Apprentice Programming Chair
What really makes a convention sing? Its programming! In this role, you’d get to practice coordinating the grid to ensure that no scheduling conflicts occur and practice communicating with various participants. You’d then step up into the Chair role in June, tracking team progress and calling meetings starting in late fall.  To learn more, please contact (subject: Apprentice Programming Chair).
  • Apprentice Communications Chair

Build your leadership skills and spread the word about WisCon! As Apprentice Communications Chair you’d get to practice coordinating with other chairs and the Communications Team to transmit the latest WisCon news via its website, social media, and newsletters. You’d then step up into the Chair role after this WisCon, when volume is relatively low. Time commitment is about 5 hours each month. To learn more, please contact (subject: Apprentice Comms Chair).


  • Apprentice Operations and Hospitality Chair

You could grease the gears for your fellow volunteers! With focus on Access, Affordability, the Guest of Honor team, Online Con, Safety, Safer Spaces, and Registration, you’ll learn how to run WisCONline core functions. If we have enough leadership to hold WisCon in-person, you’ll step into either Hospitality or Operations Chair in June, to become more active in late fall. Expect to volunteer 1-5 hours per week, increasing gradually up to 10-15 hours the week before WisCon. If this seems like an intriguing challenge, contact (subject: Apprentice Comms Chair).


  • Apprentice Personnel Chair
Would you like to learn or practice volunteer coordination and management? You can help us be ready for the next WisCon! This remote role involves checking progress and follow-up with Personnel volunteers for a few hours per week. Contact (subject: Personnel Apprentice Chair) for more information.


  • Interviewer #3
Interview prospective volunteers and help them find their best fit with open positions. Also perform exit interviews as needed.  Member Time commitment varies from 1-2 hours per week May-Dec, up to 3-4 hours per week ramping up to WisCon. Contact (subject: Volunteer Interviewer) for more information.

Active now, love to have by October: 

SF3 is the nonprofit that runs WisCon.

  • SF3 Vice President

Are you fascinated by the big picture and happy to let others handle mundane details? Or perhaps you love connecting people to facilitate effective action. You may be the perfect candidate to become Vice President of the SF3 Board. Expect to spend 3-7 hours a month as the liaison between the Board and WisCon committee chairs. For more information, contact (subject: SF3 VP).

  • SF3 Board Member at Large
Have you ever been curious what it takes to keep WisCon well-resourced and in good legal standing? If you become a SF3 Board Member at Large, you can become familiar with the SF3 Board and execute self-directed projects. This term will be renewed in October. Expect to volunteer about 2-5 hours per month, more at your option. Prior non-profit, non-profit board experience, and/or experience attending WisCon, is a bonus. Contact (subject: SF3 Board member) for more information.