eCube #2 is now available, with the most recent news updates for WisCon33.
Hot off the Presses: eCube 1 and Progress Report 1
Extra! Extra! eCube #1 is now available for your reading pleasure, with the most recent news updates for WisCon33!
And read all about it: Progress Report 1 is now online, with full information about WisCon33’s guests of honor, programming, hotel arrangements, and other WisCon33 details!
Expanding The Time-Space Continuum (Deadlines!)
The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Academic Program has been extended through February 16.
- Please see the
- for full details.
The deadline for proposing ideas for programming has been extended through February 7.
- Submit your programming ideas through the
- , or visit the
- for more information.
For Authors Attending WisCon33…
Posted on behalf of Jeanne Gomoll:
If you have a new book coming out and are going to attend WisCon, I’d like to contact your editor and invite them to buy an ad in the WisCon souvenir book. Selling ads to the publishers of authors attending WisCon was very successful last year, so I’d like to do it again.
As soon as you can, let me know what book of yours is coming out, the name of the publisher and when it is due. Give me a name and email address for the best person for me to contact about an ad.
I can also send you an ad guideline sheet if you would rather contact your editor yourself. Just ask.
I will certainly try to sell ads to publishers even if you aren’t planning to attend WisCon, but judging from WisCon 32’s program book last year, I’m far more likely to be successful if I can assure your editor that you will be here at WisCon, actively promoting your book.
Please respond to
Thank you!
WisCon 33 Call for Programming Ideas!
The WisCon 33 program committee is excited to announce that program idea submissions are now open!
WisCon gets its best programming ideas from you. We invite you to submit programming ideas for WisCon 33 through January 31, 2009. To submit an idea, please go to the Wiscon programming page and click on the link to the program idea submission form. We eagerly await your suggestions!
Please note that this web page is part of a new programming database system. We’ve tested it extensively, but please bear with any unexpected bugs as we implement it.
Joanna Lowenstein and Cat Hanna
Co-Chairs, Programming, WisCon 33.
Wiscon 33 Call For Artists!
Dear Artist,
We invite you to participate in the WisCon Art Show.
As you know, WisCon is the pre-eminent feminist science fiction convention in the world. We believe that Art is an important aspect of SF, and that an exciting Art Show is an important part of any convention. We strive to make the WisCon Art Show a continuing success by integrating the art show with the rest of the convention.
Art show focus:
Work by women artists
Work by regional artists
Work with feminist themes, whatever that may be
We don’t plan to define feminist themes. That’s up to you. We do, though, plan to continue to have popular awards for the Most Feminist and Most Outrageous items in the Art Show, as have for the past several years. We are interested in original work by the artist, which may include 1 copy of limited edition reproductions. For additional print sales, you are welcome to participate in the WisCon Dealers Room, or make an arrangement with one of the dealers. We also have a small print shop for items with fixed sale prices; let us know if you are interested in participating, since space will be limited.
Please complete an application at now. Artists must have completed the application process and have received an acceptance notice in order to enter art into the Art Show.
We are doing things a little differently this year. In order to include more new artists, we are requiring all artists to submit an application and photos of their work to the Art Show Staff by January 31 of this year. We will start sorting through the applications then and notify the applicants of their status by February 15.
Completed applications must be submitted by January 31. On about February 15 we will notify accepted artists and about May 1, we will send forms, check-in and shipping information, and other details.
If you attend, you will need to purchase a WisCon membership. Please register at the website or mail in your registration form if you plan on attending. Note that there is a $20 refund available if you volunteer and work 6 or more hours on the convention (ideally, in the Art Show) or participate in programming. Program information is available at If you are interested in participating, you should go to the site and sign up.
While we are not charging for space, we do need to know in advance how much you will need. Our standard hangings are 4′ square pegboard. Artists new to the convention may reserve up to 2 4×4’ panels; for continuing artists, the maximum is 3 panels. It may be possible to get more space, but only at the discretion of the art show director based on the space available. Last year, we filled up, so more than 3 panels is unlikely. Table space is available as well, up to a full 6′ x 36″ table. Please include your space needs when you apply for entrance into the Art Show.
Convention members will have the opportunity to vote on the Art Show awards again this year. WisCon 33’s Art Show will continue to focus on feminist art, art by women, and art by Midwestern artists. For art show information please check the box on the registration form, email or visit the WisCon web site.
You can write the art show at the WisCon address. We can also be reached at I would be happy to answer your questions.
Jane Washburn
WisCon Art Show
WisCon 33 Guests of Honor
WisCon is pleased to have Ellen Klages and Geoff Ryman as its guests of honor for WisCon 33, May 22 – 25, 2009.
Registration for WisCon33 is now open. You can register online via our registration form, or download the print registration form and return it with your payment to the registration desk or by mail to the address on the form.
Full registration details can be found on the WisCon registration page.